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Birnes went on to explain, "but the trap was set and there was no escape." With certain minor omissions he told of the cab ride to Sixty-seventh Street, the trip across to a downtown car, and, as a matter of convincing circumstantial detail, added the incident of the empty gripsack. "Empty?" repeated Mr. Latham, startled. "Empty, did you say?"

Jack Burns's pack-train was starting back light for Crater Lake, and Churchill was invited to a mule. Burns wanted to put the gripsack on another animal, but Churchill held on to it, carrying it on his saddle-pommel. But he dozed, and the grip persisted in dropping off the pommel, one side or the other, each time wakening him with a sickening start.

"Now, what do you want to say?" Captain Scott demanded. "Tell Fred Churchill he's on the bank there tell him to go to Macdonald. It's in his safe a small gripsack of mine. Tell him to get it and bring it out when he comes." In the silence Captain Scott bellowed the message ashore through the megaphone:

Days afterward, his gripsack, packed with such care on that last night in the cabin, was found by Houston concealed among the rocks, where Jack had hidden it on the morning of that eventful day, intending, when his work was done, to set forth upon his wandering life once more.

"I am not much used to traveling. I shall know better next time what to do." The finding of the bank book partially consoled Carl for the loss of his pocketbook and gripsack. He was glad to be able to defeat Stuyvesant in one of his nefarious schemes, and to be the instrument of returning Miss Norris her savings bank book.

Ridout, voicing the gesture; "they tell me that Tom Gaylord's done some pretty slick work. Now I leave it to you, Manning, if that isn't a mess!" At this moment the conversation was interrupted by the appearance on the stairway of the impressive form of United States Senator Whitredge, followed by a hall boy carrying the senatorial gripsack.

Louis Bondell was glad to see him, shaking hands with both hands at the same time and dragging him into the house. "Oh, thanks, old man; it was good of you to bring it out," Bondell said when he received the gripsack. He tossed it carelessly upon a couch, and Churchill noted with an appreciative eye the rebound of its weight from the springs. Bondell was volleying him with questions.

And as Morgan set foot on the sidewalk porch of the hotel, Seth Craddock, the new city marshal, rose out of the third chair on the end of the row nearest him, hand lifted in commanding signal to halt. "You've just got time to git your gripsack," Craddock said, coming forward as he spoke, but stopping a little to one side as if to allow Morgan passage to the door.

"Carl has no right to vex Mrs. Crawford. Besides, he can't agree with Peter." "Is that his fault or Peter's?" asked Gilbert, significantly. "I am not acquainted with the circumstances, but Mrs. Crawford says that Carl is always bullying Peter." "He never bullied anyone at school." "Is there anything, else you want?" "Yes, sir; Carl only took away a little underclothing in a gripsack.

It was a superficial wound, but it was incontestable. He became wider awake, and kept up the lumbering run to Canyon City. He found a man, with a team of horses and a wagon, who got out of bed and harnessed up for twenty dollars. Churchill crawled in on the wagon-bed and slept, the gripsack still on his back.