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"God-A'mighty sure helped me to do one good turn, anyway, when I jumped inter the river after that there book when Mr. Burns done throw'd hit away," commented the delighted Judy. And while they laughed together, Betty Jo hugged the deformed mountain girl, and answered: "God Almighty was sure good to us all that day, Judy, dear!"

"I seed General Jackson about two miles up," replied a passing countryman, who had led his horse into the corn field. "Whoopee! he was going at a God-a'mighty pace, I tell you. If he keeps that up he'll be over the Potomac before sunset." "Then we are going into Maryland!" cried Jack Powell, jumping to his feet. "Hurrah for Maryland! We're going to Maryland, God bless her!"

I'd a-killed her, sure, if Mr. Burns hadn't a-come just when he did. I can't rightly tell how hit was, but hit seemed like there was somethin' inside of me what was a-makin' me do hit, an' I couldn't, somehow, help myself. An' an' that ain't all, ma'm; I done worse'n that," she continued in a low, moaning wail. "Oh, my God-A'mighty! Why didn't Mr.

I ain't a-going to say anything more to you; God-A'mighty, He's above us all; but p'r'aps you may be comm' this way again some day, and then you'll look in. Madge turned again to the light, and again caught Mrs Caffyn's hand, but was silent.

At that moment Morley stirred and opened his hollow, starving eyes. "Food," he gasped in a voice Greeley never forgot; "God-a'mighty food!" Then Greeley beheld a miracle. He saw Marcia Lowe run to the fire in the living-room and bring to the bedside of the sick man a tiny kettle of some smooth liquid; he saw her dip a spoon in and then hold it to the lips of Morley.

He had once been a religious man; had once been a leader in the little church at The Forge before he gave up hope and ambition. His prayers had been the pride and boast of the mountainside, but that was long ago, and his lips with difficulty formed, now, the sacred words. "God-a'mighty!" he breathed, "take care of that lil' boy out there alone on The Way.

One can't move a step without the other following; though judging by ordinary volks you'd think 'twould be a cat-and-dog friendship rather. 'But 'tis not? ''Tis not; they be more like lovers than maid and maid. Miss Power is looked up to by little De Stancy as if she were a god-a'mighty, and Miss Power lets her love her to her heart's content.

The mountain girl's eyes filled and the tears streamed down her sallow cheeks, while her twisted shoulders shook with the grief she could not suppress, as she faltered: "My God-A'mighty! Miss Betty Jo, I I didn't aim ter do hit! I sure didn't! 'Fore God, I'd er let 'em kill me first, if I'd only had time ter think. But hit hit was me what told that there woman how Mr. Burns was Brian Kent.

"You-all ain't a-needin' ter do hit but onct, neither. Onct is sure a heap plenty for that there big Sheriff man. Just look what he did ter my pap! He's jailed pap seven times, that I kin rec'lect. God-A'mighty knows how many times he ketched him 'fore I was borned. An' pap, he didn't do so mighty much ary time, neither." "I just had to do it, Judy, dear," protested Auntie Sue.

"I ain't never laid no claim ter bein' a beauty," she retorted in her shrill, drawling monotone. "But, I kin tell you-all one thing, mister: Hit was God-A'mighty Hisself an' my drunken pap what made me ter look like I do. While you, damn you! you-all just naturally made yourself what you be."