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I'll wish I was about forty men seven foot high and armed with " "Pardon, Señor. The señor has of course heard the news?" José came out of the shadows and stood with the firelight dancing on his face and picking out the glittery places on his jacket, where was the braid. "I have a letter from Don Andres. Would the señor care to read it? No? The señor is welcome to read.

These eggs never say anything," and with his ears he pointed to the chocolate one and the glittery one, each of which had glass windows. "Ask him how he likes it here," suggested a voice on the other side of the Candy Rabbit. Turning, he saw a big chocolate chap, almost like himself, except that this Rabbit was very dark in color.

Of course, since we're at war with Germany, anything that any one of us doesn't like is 'pro-German, whether it's business competition or bad music. If we were fighting England, you'd call the radicals 'pro-English. When this war is over, I suppose you'll be calling them 'red anarchists. What an eternal art it is such a glittery delightful art finding hard names for our opponents!

He bowed and lifted his hat to an impressive old lady in some glittery, lacy kind of gown, and Johnny bowed also and blushed because a girl just beyond the old lady gave him a slant-eyed glance and the shadow of a smile. Ten steps farther a fierce looking man with a wide, white frontage and a high silk hat slowed his pace and cried, "Why, hello, Cliff!" in a manner not at all fierce.

"Why of course it's comme il faut to play, Miss Cowles, but I was just hoping to have the pleasure of hearing you make some more of your delectable music," bowed the dentist, and Gertie bowed back; and their smiles joined in a glittery bridge of social aplomb. "Oh yes," from Carl, "that yes, do But you hadn't ought to play too much if you haven't been well." "Oh, Carl!" shrieked Gertie.

Winters paid the sum she always makes you guess about, at a charity-bazaar. Mrs. Winters herself the Mrs. Winters who is so interested in young people as long as they will do exactly what she wants them to every inch of her from her waved white hair to the black jet spangles on her dinner gown or the notes of her "cultivated" voice as frosted and glittery and artificial as a piece of glacé fruit.

I wish you could have heard the things the children said. The tree went close to the ceiling. Just above it, with arms outstretched, swung a beautiful Christmas angel. Hanging from it were all kinds of glittery, quivery, sparkly things in silver and gold. Festooned about it were strings of pop corn and cranberries. At every branch-tip glistened a long glass icicle.

I dug his grave with my bare hands in this patch o' sand, right there under the ridge, and it was all yaller, shinin' in the sun, as it run through my fingers. All glittery an' soft, like corn meal. That island's full o' it, I'm tellin' ye! It'll make us all rich!" His voice rose, and quavered with excitement. Locke looked at Trask questioningly.

Elsa's mother had thin ankles, too, and was like Elsa intent and cold and dead. She could imagine Elsa in society now hard and thin and glittery she would be stylish military men's women always were. The girl had avoided being with her during walks since then, and they never voluntarily addressed one another. Minna and the Bergmanns had talked to her.

"That must be my dear brother!" exclaimed Shaggy. "Yes, it must be," assented Kaliko. "No one else inhabits this splendid dome, so there can be no mistake." "But why does he hide among those green trees, instead of enjoying all these glittery golden ones?" asked Betsy.