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And he jerked a thumb in the direction of M. Pantaloon, who stood at gaze out of earshot in the background. "What is your pleasure, captain?" "My pleasure is to tell you that you are very likely to be gaoled for this, all the pack of you." His voice was loud and bullying.

"But to proceed: Madame de Condillac and her precious Benjamin this Marius finding themselves, in Florimond's absence, masters of the situation, have set about turning it to their own best advantage. Mademoiselle de La Vauvraye, whilst being nominally under their guardianship, finds herself practically gaoled by them, and odious plans are set before her to marry Marius.

How self-conscious the poor people must suddenly have felt, how helpless without their clothes against armed and booted horsemen! The dancers were arrested, whipped, gaoled, set in the stocks; the moonlight dance is never danced again. What old, earthy, Panic rite came to extinction here? he wondered.

You think that it predisposes me to be wooed, that it opens my heart to your son, to see myself gaoled that he may pay me his court." "Gaoled, child? Who gaols you?" the Dowager cried, as if the most surprising utterance had fallen from Valerie's lips. Mademoiselle smiled in sorrow and some scorn. "Am I not gaoled, then?" she asked. "What call you this? What does that fellow there?

'Why, sweetheart, shalt be made a countess, he said. 'Y' have done more in this than I or any man could do with my daughter. 'Wherefore, then, should this man have gaoled me? Katharine asked. The King turned his heavy gaze upon Throckmorton. The big man's eyes had a sunny and devious smile. 'Sir, he said, 'this is a subtle conceit of mine, since I am a subtle man.

No right to take the man who has gaoled my brother who would have murdered me? His blood had mounted to his head; he had put aside his love as something that tempted him to evil, put it aside by an almost heroic effort of renunciation. 'I will have him, he cried; 'the would-be murderer, the thief. 'No, said Christina firmly facing him. 'Then he's here he is here? 'No.

"Refuse this, because you think yourself too honest, and before a month's out you'll be gaoled for a sneak-thief. I give you the word fair. I can see it, Herrick, if you can't; you're breaking down. Don't think, if you refuse this chance, that you'll go on doing the evangelical; you're about through with your stock; and before you know where you are, you'll be right out on the other side.

His relations with the peasants began to be unbearable. Their own difficulties and his temper led to constant disputes. A reign of spite began: the cattle were driven into the corn, some of the buildings were set afire, some of the peasants were gaoled. The Prosianiya Meadows more than once passed from a period of lavish prosperity to a state of complete and hopeless poverty.

Look at that fool Arthur, liberty! Look at the use he made of his liberty when he had it. Look what he did to Langwathby: sent a telegram leading him to believe that his wife had broken out again you know how she drinks and had been gaoled in Carlisle. And the thing was so artfully constructed, it said almost nothing. You couldn't touch him on it.

I shall not buy myself back at your expense. Oh, I am a fool, I know, and you can give me no thanks that I care about, but there is no other way I can act." "Then let us fritter no more time. Go you out now and find where Nais is gaoled, and bring me news how I can say ten words to her, and press a certain matter into her clasp."