United States or Cyprus ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Wot's up?" demanded Coke, who was fully dressed, though Hozier thought he had retired two hours earlier. "Oh, the beer is frothin' up to their eyes, is it?" went on the skipper, after listening to a brief summary of events. "I thought, mebbe, the wheel had jammed. But those lazy swabs want talkin' to. I'll just give 'em a bit of me mind," and he went forward.

Mason was, and he was enjoyin' himself huge, even if he did know he was due to be steam-rollered when the vote was taken. "See here, Miss Tozier," says I, "it wouldn't do you a bit of good to see Mr. Mason now. He's all lathered up and frothin' at the mouth. But in an hour or so he'll be calmed down, maybe before.

You hear talk, sometimes, 'd make you think the millennium had come but right the next breath you'll hear somebody hollerin' about 'the great unrest. You BET there's a 'great unrest'! There ain't any man alive smart enough to see what it's goin' to do to us in the end, nor what day it's got set to bust loose, but it's frothin' and bubblin' in the boiler.

"Son, it's the first an' last time that Doc Peets ever runs. An' he don't run now, he flies. Peets comes pourin' through the door an' into the street, with Coyote frothin' after him not a yard to spar'. The best thing about the whole play is that Coyote's a cripple; it's this yere element of lameness that lets Peets out.

"I ain't frothin' at the mouth none to go myse'f, not seein' reelaxation in pokin' about permiscus among a passel of Mexicans, an' me loathin' of 'em from birth; but I goes, aimin' to ride herd on Dave. Which his disp'sition is some free an' various; an' bein' among Mexicans, that a-way, he's liable to mix himse'f into trouble.

"Why, it gets so before he quits out which he does after frothin' at the mouth for days, an' Boggs, an' Tutt, an' Jack Moore, with Doc Peets soopervisin', ridin' herd onto him an' holdin' him down in his blankets all the time that if Whiskey Billy goes to take a drink of water, he thinks the beverage turns to blood.

While the mulatto guide was talking, or swearing Jack's half-amused questions, the cab left Annapolis further and further behind. "Yo' see, sah," the guide went on, "Marse Truax wa'n't in no fit condition, sah, to try de strongest voodoo medicine dat he called fo'. So, w'ile de voodoo was sayin' his strongest chahms, Marse Truax done fall down, frothin' at de mouth.

About a mile from the house we jumped up a little brown bear that scampered off when he seen us, but bein' agin' a bluff where he couldn't get away, he climbed a cotton-wood. H'Anglish was simply frothin' with excitement. "'What a misfortune! Neyther gun nor hounds. "'I'll scratch his back and talk pretty to him, says I, 'while you run back and get a Winchester and them ferocious bull-dogs.

Hicks, who called warningly as he swung it: "Stand back, Pinkey! I'm comin'!" The door crashed and splintered, and when it opened, Mr. Hicks fell in with it. He fell out again almost as quickly, for there was Pinkey with the glaring eyes of a wild man, his jaws open, and from his mouth there issued a strange white substance. "He's frothin'!" Mr. Hicks yelled shrilly. "He's got hydrophoby!

I sez, "your number didn't win nothin'." He gives a start, then down on the floor he flops with his eyes turned in an' his mouth frothin' a little. Friar Tuck straightened him out an' began to rub his hands; an' I turned to Dick. "Now, it's your turn to go," I sez. "I'd advise you to go clear to England, where you'll find good news."