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I watches him some narrow about them snakes he's infested with; I loathin' of 'em, an' not wantin' 'em to transfer no love to me, nor take to enlivenin' my secloosion none. "Well, son, this yere Crwafish Jim is as a den of serpents. I reckons now he has a plumb dozen mowed away in his raiment.

"I ain't frothin' at the mouth none to go myse'f, not seein' reelaxation in pokin' about permiscus among a passel of Mexicans, an' me loathin' of 'em from birth; but I goes, aimin' to ride herd on Dave. Which his disp'sition is some free an' various; an' bein' among Mexicans, that a-way, he's liable to mix himse'f into trouble.

A preacher frets me; not for himse'f exactly, but you never sees preachers without seein' p'lice folks preachers an' p'lice go hand in hand, like prairie dogs an' rattlesnakes an' born as I be in Tennessee, where we has our feuds an' where law is a interference an' never a protection, I'm nacherally loathin' constables complete.

Dumb their dumb picters." Sez I, "Don't go in that spirit, Josiah Allen." "Wall, I shall go in jest that sprit," he snapped out, "if I go at all." And he went. But oh! it wuz a sight to set and look on, and see the look onto his face, as he picked the innocent blossoms. It wuz a look of such deep loathin', and hatred, combined with a sort of a genteel, fashionable air.

They had seen that white quartz with the gold stickin' into it, and that's the same as a dose of loco to miner gents. Why didn't I take a hoss and start first? I did think of it for about one second. I wouldn't stay in that country then for a million dollars a minute. I was plumb sick and loathin' it, and just waitin' to make high jumps back to Arizona.

They are a low and grovelin set of peple, who excite a feelin of loathin in every brest where lorfty emotions and original idees have a bidin place. I stopped at Leamington a few minits on my way to Stratford onto the Avon, and a very beautiful town it is.