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"Scott, I suppose you'll insist on wearing your mustache and eyeglasses." "You bet," said Scott simply. "All right. And kindly beat it. I want to try on my own plumage in peace." So the costumed ones trooped off to their own quarters with the half-ashamed smirk usually worn by the American male who has persuaded himself to frivolity.

You are a spendthrift, for you give the income of France to your favorites, to this Polignac family, which it has been reckoned receives alone a twentieth part of the whole income of the state; to these gracious lords and ladies of your so-called 'society, supporting them in their frivolity, allowing them to make golden gain out of you.

They never forgave the marriage, and after a few years, mischief began to brew. "I loved my husband, but his nature was too austere to deal patiently with my freakish, petulant, volcanic temper; and when he lectured me for my frivolity, obstinacy plunged me into excesses of gayety, that at heart I did not enjoy.

Men felt this, and he was popular among those who knew him in his service, though not in any hail-fellow-well-met kind of way. But among women he was not popular. As a rule they both feared and disliked him. His presence jarred upon the frivolity of the lighter members of their sex, who dimly realised that his nature was antagonistic, and the more solid ones could not understand him.

The flirtation with him, so impatiently longed for, was not as other men's flirtations; there was a tinge of sacredness about his very frivolity, and a soft touch of piety in his sentiment. To share such a life, to commune hourly with a spirit so semi-angelic, seemed an almost religious ambition.

His mind was reeling in the heights, in a blinding cloud of light! But fundamentally he was still the sturdy realist and stood with his feet on the earth! The generations beneath him had been disciplined by the cold, and had learned to content themselves with bare necessities; a lesson which they handed down to him, simply and directly, with no inheritance of frivolity.

The magician began to pull his wits together, and when he presently smiled an easy, nonchalant smile, it spread a mighty relief around; for it indicated that his mood was not destructive. He said: "It hath struck me speechless, the frivolity of this person's speech.

I am convinced that the scepticism, the Conservatism, the irony, the moderation, the affectation of humility, frivolity, pedantry, and innocent candour, are only a mask and disguise which Montaigne has put on to conceal his identity, that they are only so many tricks and dodges to lead the temporal and spiritual powers off the track, and to reassure them as to his orthodoxy.

It belongs to the same order of ideas as the 'Pilgrim's Progress. In this map one sees the 'States of Charity, the 'Province of Fervour, the 'Empire of Self-Contempt, and other countries belonging to a vast continent, of which the centre is the 'Kingdom of the Love of God, connected to a smaller continent that of the world by a narrow neck of land called the 'Isthmus of Charity. In the continent of the world are shown the 'Mountain of Ingratitude, the 'Hills of Frivolity, the territory of 'Ennui, of 'Vanity, of 'Melancholy, and of all the evil moods and vices to which men are liable.

I am quite aware that with you the sexes have reversed positions, that the man has sunk into a money-making machine, who slaves so that his wife may spend, while the woman devotes her whole life to dress and frivolity " "Have you ever been in my country?" Cornelia was brought up short and sharp by an unexpected assent.