United States or Paraguay ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The day was beautiful; but the roads were heavy and toilsome to the foot-passenger; for the snow lay deep; and frost had succeeded just sufficient to glaze the surface into a crispness which retarded without absolutely resisting the pressure of the foot.

Discouraged animals were down constantly, and no foot-passenger, even with rubber boots, ventured off the planks that led from house to house. To avoid a splashing team, Dextry pulled his companion close in against the entrance to the Northern saloon, standing before her protectingly.

"Women!" "Wine!" "Play!" "Wealth!" "Ha! ha. 'Throw physic to the dogs: I'll none of it!" And Arthur leaped lightly on his saddle, and as he rode gaily on, humming the favourite air of the last opera, the hoofs of his horse splashed the mud over a foot-passenger halting at the crossing.

"I shouldn't like to try it, though, sir," said the driver, who entered at this moment. "The gentleman can try it, if he likes," continued the old man, with a grin, "but I do hopes Mr. Dulan won't." "Why, the ice will certainly bear a foot-passenger safely across," smiled William Dulan.

And besides that, I have a little selfish reason of my own. In addition, you don't speak the language, and will be in a thousand corners. I was bred here, and speak the language like a native. I have already the entree to the place you desire to get into, and I can introduce you. My sympathetic friend " He broke off suddenly because a foot-passenger drew near.

There was no sunshine, for a scirocco-storm raised clouds of dust and obscured the sky; the wind was bitterly cold. Finding it impossible to attune my phantasy to the picture of Marius and his soldiers, I descended once more. On the station turnpike I overtook a solitary foot-passenger, who plodded slowly along. It was the Polish Count.

Then they saw the crest of the flood appear around the bend and the already heavily burdened waters dashed themselves upon the toll-bridge. It crumpled up and disappeared like a spider-web bridge, and the flood rolled on, the wave widening and overflowing the lowlands behind the automobile. Ahead of them now upon the road there was a single foot-passenger a man carrying a heavy basket.

For they were in one of those country lanes of Upper Manhattan which, though enclosed by the greatest city, seem still a part of remote country. Heavy branches of autumn foliage guarded the road to right and left; from end to end of the passage was neither vehicle nor foot-passenger. One faculty, standing unmoved in the storm of emotions which had overwhelmed him, perceived this.

Two or three carts passed, jingling out to the suburbs; a coughing policeman and a hurrying foot-passenger or two who sang to keep off evil spirits. Then rapped the shod feet of a horse. 'Ah! This is more like Mahbub, thought Kim, as the beast shied at the little head above the culvert. 'Ohe', Mahbub Ali, he whispered, 'have a care!

Just then a buckboard rumbled by, filled with pretty girls, from the college, he guessed, driving over to that other college town, seven miles across the valley, where a noted Boston clergyman was to preach to-day; but the foot-passenger only made himself a bit smaller and chuckled at the lucky privacy of his position.