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Our cities and towns, without number, have the architect and the engineer, for house and for landscape, for sky-scrapers and all manner of public works; we have the nurseryman, the florist; we have parks, shaded boulevards and riverside and lakeside drives.

I wonder what she baited her hook with. That woman's a genius." Suddenly he caught sight of the sign of a Long Island florist set up in an apothecary's window between the big green and red glass globes that lined its sides. Turning on his heel he entered the door. "Pick me out a dozen red japonicas," he said to the boy behind the counter.

His natural disposition and endowments are to be sedulously watched, and guided or wholly repressed as the case may demand. The budding artist is supplied with pencil, the nascent musician with trumpet or tuning-fork, the florist with tiny hoe and trowel, and so on. The boy is never loosed, physically or metaphysically, quite out of leading-strings.

Then it occurred to her that she could find out something about the lover who had deserted her. And there was another thing which puzzled her greatly. The name which he had given the florist was not the one by which she had known him she would find out all by this man. Now he was calling himself Mr. Harry Kendal that was the name he had given the florist.

"And at Lavoisier's, on the Boulevard Poissonnière " "What is sold, pray, at Lavoisier's?" "Gloves, perfumes, hosiery, ready-made linen..." "Enough you can proceed." "I have also a bill at at Barbet's, in the Passage de l'Opéra." "And Barbet is ?" "A a florist!" I replied, very reluctantly. "Humph! a florist!" observed Dr. Chéron, again transfixing me with the cold, blue eye.

I advise my readers to be daring, even desperate. It is satisfactory to learn that Mr. Cookson intends to make a study of bi-generic hybridization henceforward. The common motive for crossing orchids is that, of course, which urges the florist in other realms of botany. He seeks to combine tints, forms, varied peculiarities, in a new shape.

So I spent most of my noon hour rustlin' through florist shops to get the particular kind of red roses I'd been tipped off to find. I located 'em, though, and bought up the whole stock, sendin' part to the house and luggin' the rest to the head waiter. While I was at the hotel, too, I got next to the orchestra leader and gave him the names of some pieces he was to spring durin' dinner.

On reaching this sanctuary of the florist he stopped, supporting himself against the table; his legs failed him, his heart beat as if it would choke him. Here it was even worse than in the garden; there Boxtel was only a trespasser, here he was a thief. However, he took courage again: he had not gone so far to turn back with empty hands.

I thought then that whoever had those flowers wouldn't find out who sent 'em!" "It isn't right!" Mrs. Albright's comfortable face took on stern, troubled lines. "I'd go to the florist and find out," declared Miss Crilly. "There's no name on the box." Miss Sterling drew a deep breath, and indignation flushed her pale cheeks. "I did suppose we could have what belonged to us, even here!

There was such an expression of truth in the tone of her voice, that Van Systens and the Prince answered simultaneously by an affirmative movement of their heads. "Well, then, I am not an experienced florist; I am only a poor girl, one of the people, who, three months ago, knew neither how to read nor how to write. No, the black tulip has not been found by myself." "But by whom else?"