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Updated: August 31, 2024
Well, I'd ask ony pusson aloive if they'd put up wi this soart o' thing dressin up like a bad hizzy that waaks t' streets, wi three candles three, I tell yo, Reuben flarin away, and the curtains close to, an nothink but the Lord's mussy keepin 'em from catchin. An she peacockin an gallivantin away enough to mak a cat laugh!
"Flarin' up rael strong," she said, pushing towards her, as if in confirmation of the statement, the little wooden clothes-horse, whose rails were blackened and charred. "Aisy it may be," Big Anne said, looking aghast at it, "but dreadful divilment it is to do such a thing, wid the misfort'nit people very apt to lose their lives, let alone everythin' else."
When the ladies appeared they sure looked stunnin'. Miss Hampton has on a fancy flarin' collar two feet high, and a skirt like a balloon; but she's a star in it just the same. Sister Marjorie, who's a bit husky anyway, looks like a human hay-stack in that rig. And Vee well, say, she'd be a winner in any date costume you could name.
Grit's half trainin'!" "I wish I could be there to see him beaten!" Ida had tried to turn her wounded pride into dislike, and was succeeding. "I hate to feel he's in the same town with us the coward!" At this moment Mrs. Gulmore reentered the room. "To think of it! Sal left the gas-stove flarin'. I made her get up and come downstairs to put it out. That'll learn her!
It's sure enough spring outside. I been eating it up, and we can do our talking over things at the dance. Let's ride now." "Dance?" "Sure, down to Singer's place." "It's going to be kind of hard to get out of going with Blondy. He asked me." "And you said you'd go?" "What are you flarin' up about?" "Look here, how long have you been traipsin' around with Blondy Hansen?"
"I wish I could be there to see him beaten!" Ida had tried to turn her wounded pride into dislike, and was succeeding. "I hate to feel he's in the same town with us the coward!" At this moment Mrs. Gulmore re-entered the room. "To think of it! Sal left the gas-stove flarin'. I made her get up and come downstairs to put it out. That'll learn her!
I got nothin' to do with that durn fool." The tone and the words gave Sandy the surprise of his life. His arm dropped away from the stranger's throat, and his gun ceased to threaten the base of his skull. "Tom McHale!" he cried. "You sound some like a cultus young devil named McCrae," said McHale, peering at him in the dark. "Say, what in the flarin' blazes you doin' here?"
"And so you got the other one," Si started to say to his partner, but then he remembered Shorty's "flarin' up," and held his tongue. "I don't imagine that his 'thinkery, as you call it, was of much account when it was in order, if it was no better than this other man's," said the Colonel, with a smile. "Perhaps, if he could think better he wouldn't be in the rebel army.
Mary Ellen wiped the flour off each red finger in turn, and gazed into the flame of the lamp. "It's like this," she said solemnly, "ye burns in yer insides till ye feel like ye had a furnace blazin' there. Thin whin it seems ye must bust wid the flarin' av it, ye suddintly turns cowld as ice, an' yer sowl do shrivil up wid fear.
That's what it's like to stand here and look down into them blue eyes of yours, Kate miles and miles into 'em, till I feel as if I seen your heart beneath. And they's the rose of the mornin' on your cheeks, and the breath of the mornin' stirrin' between your lips, and the light of the risin' sun comes flarin' in your eyes. And I own the world I own the world.
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