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I got up, and began pulling out her pins carefully. I knew I was getting a start because right away she put up her hand to help me. "I can get them," I said just as flannel-mouthed as ever I could, like all of us talked to her now, so I got every one and never pulled a mite. When I reached over her shoulder to drop them in her lap, being so close I kissed her cheek.

"Not for a thousand loives," groaned the Irishman. "Howly saints, fwhat is old Clootie after me for? Is it for atin' that little taste o' ham last Friday? Holy Mary, save me; there he is again!" "Where, you flannel-mouthed Mick?" asked Shorty savagely. "Where do you see the devil?" "There! There! That white thing.

He even allowed his mask-like face to emphasize his words. "You're almighty pertickler, mister. You ask for dirty work to be done, an' when that dirty work's done, gorl-darn-it you croak like a flannel-mouthed temperance lecturer. Guess I came hyar to talk straight biz. Jest leave the temperance track, an' hit the main trail." Pedro's face was not pretty to look upon.

Oi wud do betther to whack a man wid a shillelah. And fwhere is the flint to stroike foire?" "O, the flintlock's played out, you flannel-mouthed Irishman," said Shorty irritably. "It's as out-of-date as a bow and arrer. This's a percussion-lock; don't you understand? This is a cap. You stick it right on this nipple, an' when the hammer goes down off goes your gun. Don't you see?"

'Twas the morning of the battle of Wilson's Creek, and Mart and me was sleeping under a tree, when the bugler of the Johnnies off somewhere on the hill he begins to crow that, and it wakes Mart up, and he rolls over on me and he says: 'Jake, he says, or maybe 'twas me says, 'Mart, says I anyway, one of us says, 'Shut up your gib, you flannel-mouthed mick, he says, 'and let me pull my dream through to the place where I find the money, he says.

This is John Cavendish of the Waldron apartments speaking. My cousin, Frederick Cavendish, has been found dead in his room and his safe rifled. Nothing has been disturbed. Yes, at the Waldron, Fifty-Seventh Street. Please hurry." Perhaps half an hour later the police came two bull-necked plain-clothes men and a flannel-mouthed "cop." With them came three reporters, one of them a woman.

"Wal, I reckon some bald-faced galoot got yappin', leastways there wus a temperance outfit come right along an' lay hold o' the boss. Say, flannel-mouthed orators! I guess that feller could roll out more juicy notions on the subject o' drink in five minutes than a high-pressure locomotive could blow off steam through a five-inch leak in ha'f a year.

Sampson, red in the face, was vociferating down the engine-room hatch. "Come up here," he said, loudly and defiantly. "Come up here and prove it, if you think you're a better man than I am. Come up and square yourself, you flannel-mouthed mick." The "flannel-mouthed mick," in the person of Riley, white of face rather than red, but with eyes blazing and mouth set in an ugly grin, climbed up.