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I'll spread my checks with this one." "Good-morning!" he began. The girl gave him an indifferent glance from two fearless eyes, and nodded slightly. But "Fingerless" Fraser upon occasion could summon a smile that was peculiarly engaging. He did so now, seating himself hat in hand, with the words: "If you don't mind, I'll rest a minute. I'm out for my morning walk. It's a nice day, isn't it?"

But what do you know about the girl herself? Who is she? What is her history?" "Now, sir, I'm an awful poor detective," confessed "Fingerless" Fraser. "I've often noticed that about myself. If I was the kind that goes snooping around into other people's business, listening to all the gossip I'm told, I'd make a good witness. But I ain't. No, sir! I'm a rotten witness."

The glass door swung open noiselessly under his hand, and he stepped out just as the bill-clerk looked up from his work, staring out through the other entrance. "Fingerless" Fraser's voice was louder now, as if for a signal. "Arrest me? What do you mean? Get out of my way." "You'd better come peaceably." Boyd heard a sharp exclamation "Get him, Bill!" And then the sound of men struggling.

Even those who were tired of being asked to contribute to his support, who resented the fact of his having a helpless wife and great family; who always insisted that with his little pension and hopeless lameness, his fingerless left hand and failing sight, he could support himself and his household if he chose, even those persons came forward now to greet him handsomely and with large approval.

He half-lifted his head, but it fell back. Then his eyes opened, and did not close. His last thought was of his Mauser, and he pressed it against his chest with his folded, fingerless hands. Hawaii is a queer place. Everything socially is what I may call topsy- turvy. Not but what things are correct. They are almost too much so. But still things are sort of upside down.

"This looks like the Waldorf to me," said "Fingerless" Fraser, starting to remove his parka, the fox fringe on the hood of which was white from his breath. "What you want?" demanded the squaw, coming forward.

The girl had further demonstrated her power over all sorts and conditions of men by reducing the blase young club-man to a state of grinning admiration, "Fingerless" Fraser alone had been missing from the coterie.

Paul, with the composure that comes of a large experience, gathered the reins in his two hands, driving with both and with extended arms, after the manner of Russian yemschiks. For a man must accommodate himself to circumstance, and fingerless gloves are not conducive to a finished style of handling the ribbons.

"The chief then questioned me as to our cargo, where we were from, and so on; and believing that treasure was concealed somewhere in the ship, he mutilated me thus," holding up his fingerless hands, "to force me to reveal its hiding-place.

So he lay staring into the dark with dull, tragic eyes, utterly inert, his body racked by a thousand pains. Nor did "Fingerless" Fraser meet with better fortune. He found little rest or sleep, and burdened the night with his groanings.