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"Don't try, Beth," said Louise; "you ought to make a hit without shooting." "Thank you, dear." As they left their hotel for a walk they came upon Count Ferralti, who was standing in the court calmly smoking a cigarette. His right hand was still in a sling. No one was greatly surprised at his appearance, but Uncle John uttered an exclamation of impatience.

Count Ferralti promised to join them later and rode on to the town to find a surgeon to look after his injured hand, while the others slowly mounted the long inclines leading in a zigzag fashion up to the old monastery, which was founded in the year 1212. An hour later, and just as they were sitting down to the meal, Count Ferralti rejoined them.

"The sooner the better," declared Ferralti. They sat for a time in silence, each busy with his thoughts. "Go to your grandmother, Tato," said the Duke, "and try to make your peace with her. If she is too angry, do not remain. To-morrow you must go into town with letters from these gentlemen to their friends." The child kissed him and went obediently to do his will.

He felt very sorry for young Ferralti, but believed his sympathy could in no way lighten the blow caused by the abrupt news of his parent's death. He would wish to be alone with his grief for a time. By and by Mr. Merrick intended to question his fellow prisoner and try to find out something of his history. The dale was very beautiful as it lay basking in the afternoon sun.

And my father has always been heart-broken because he had no son, and likes to see me in this attire. He has many errands for me, too, where a boy may go unnoticed, yet a girl would attract too much attention. This is one of the errands, signorini. But now tell me, if you please, how have you decided to answer the letters of Signor Merrick and Signor Ferralti?"

"Also I beg you to do a like service for Count Ferralti, who is entrusting his personal commission, to Louise. He also must conclude an important purchase before he can return to Taormina. "More than this I am not permitted to say in this letter. Confide in no stranger, or official of any sort, and act as secretly and quietly as possible. I hope soon to be with you.

The carefully arranged programme gave Patsy a speech at this point, but she had entirely forgotten it. "Let me explain," said Beth, coldly. "You have dared to detain in your robbers' den the persons of Mr. Merrick and Count Ferralti. You have also demanded a ransom for their release. That is brigandage, which is denounced by the laws of Sicily.

The proprietor reached for a book that lay above his desk. "Observe, signor. Here is our record of nobility. Either fortunately or unfortunately I cannot say you have no need of such a book in America." He turned the pages and ran his finger down the line of "Fs." "Find me, if you can, a Count Ferralti in the list." Uncle John looked. He put on his glasses and looked again.

Louise now approached them with a white, frightened face. "Isn't it dreadful!" she moaned. "They are going to kill Ferralti unless he gives them thirty thousand dollars." "And I don't believe he can raise thirty cents," said Patsy, calmly. "Oh, yes, he can," answered Louise, beginning to cry. "Hi his father is d dead, and has left him a fortune."

"He is not of our party," answered Patsy, promptly; but Louise looked up as if startled, and said: "I have been expecting him to join us here." "Then you do not know?" exclaimed the portiere, in an anxious tone. "Know what, sir?" asked the girl. "That Signor Ferralti is gone. He has not been seen by any after last evening. He did not occupy his room.