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Richling insisted, in the face of much scepticism on the part of the baker's widow, that he felt better, was better, and would go on getting better, now that the weather was cool once more. "Well, I hope you vill, Mr. Richlin', dtat's a fect. 'Specially ven yo' vife comin'. Dough I could a-tooken care ye choost tso koot as vot she couldt."

But he has the de- fect that he is never pictorial, that he never by any chance makes an image, and that his style is per- versely colorless, for a man so fond of contemplation. His taste is often singularly false; it is the taste of the early years of the present century, the period that produced clocks surmounted with sentimental "sub- jects."

'I'll put 'em on, Sir, in your very presence, says 'Op, 'only 'ear my prayer, or words to that 'fect.... It was jus' the same with me when I called our Sergeant a bladder-bellied, lard-'eaded, perspirin' pension-cheater. They on'y put on the charge-sheet 'words to that effect, Spoiled the 'ole 'fect." "'Op! 'Op! 'Op! What about 'Op?" thundered Pyecroft. "'Op? Oh, shame thing.

Words t' that 'fect. Door shut. Nushin' more transphired till 'Op comes out nose exshtreme angle plungin' fire or or words 'that effect. Proud's parrot. 'Oh, you prou' old parrot, I says." Mr. Glass seemed to slumber again. "Lord! How a little moisture disintegrates, don't it?

It was a slow process; he drank by small swallows and wished after each one to stop, but she gently forced him to go on. When it was finished and he turned his head away from the glass, he found it resting on her shoulder. He settled his cheek warmly against it, like a child burying his face in the pillow. With a long sigh he relaxed. "Now, Aurora," he said solemnly, "be per fect ly still."

And he answered with per fect simplicity: "No, I wasn't walking for exercise or fun. There are better and easier ways of acquiring fun than by plodding for hours in the hot sunshine. And of getting exercise, too. I was on my way to Homestead or to some farming place along the line, where I might pick up a job." "Oh!" "Yes.

Dere is worser plagues dan de smallpox; more 'fectious and more fatal, too. Moral plagues! De fust plague, Miss Claudia, can only disfigur' de face and kill de body; but de las' plague can disfigur' de heart and kill de soul. Miss Claudia, 'void dat 'oman! She'll 'fect you with the moral plague as is deadly to de heart and soul," said the old woman, with a manner of deep solemnity.

You do so with some eager- ness, for your natural purpose is to pass out to the cloister. This cloister, as distinguished and as per- fect as the porch, has a great deal of charm. At the corners of the quadrangle these columns take the form of curious human figures.