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Even the mountain grasses, for which Switzerland is so justly celebrated, grew thin and wiry; and by the time the travellers reached the circular basin at the foot of the peak of Vélan, which is called La Plaine de Prou, there only remained, in the most genial season of the year, and that in isolated spots between the rocks, a sufficiency of nourishment for the support of a small flock of adventurous, nibbling, and hungry goats.

Words t' that 'fect. Door shut. Nushin' more transphired till 'Op comes out nose exshtreme angle plungin' fire or or words 'that effect. Proud's parrot. 'Oh, you prou' old parrot, I says." Mr. Glass seemed to slumber again. "Lord! How a little moisture disintegrates, don't it?

He walked to the other side of the room, turning his back to them all, and, flinging himself into a chair, dropped his curly head on his arm on the window-sill and sobbed aloud with a weakness and broken-down fury pitiful to see. The Colonel burst into a frantic shriek of laughter. "Queer little devil," he said. "Prou' lit'l devil! Like's moth' don' like it. Moth' used er cry. She didn't like it."

In relation to what I am now speaking of, the Gascon proverb, derived from a cornpipe, is very quaint and subtle: "Bouha prou bouha, mas a remuda lous dits quem." We can say, Cicero says thus; these were the manners of Plato; these are the very words of Aristotle: but what do we say ourselves? What do we judge? A parrot would say as much as that.

Philo, of Byzantium, and Heron, of Alexandria, to whom we always have to have recourse when we desire accurate information as to the mechanic arts of antiquity, both composed treatises on puppet shows. That of Philo is lost, but Heron's treatise has been preserved to us, and has recently been translated in part by Mr. Victor Prou.