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"Peeble are not ferry much indrested in tees short-time frangizes," observed Mr. Gotloeb once, when Cowperwood was talking the matter over with him. He wanted Haeckelheimer & Co. to underwrite the whole issue. "Dey are so insigure. Now if you couldt get, say, a frangize for fifty or one hunnert years or something like dot your stocks wouldt go off like hot cakes.

We seemed hopelessly anchored in one drift, and from his perch where he sat swaddled up like a mummy came his 'Vy don't you carry a portable telephone so ve couldt hook it over the vires and call for them to come and pull us oudt? One of the rangers replied, 'It would be nice for us to telephone ourselves to please pull us oudt. We are the them that does the pulling around here.

I know where I couldt dispose of fifty million dollars off dem in Cermany alone." He was most unctuous and pleading. Cowperwood understood this quite as well as Gotloeb, if not better.

"Will you fight if he agrees to meet you?" "Yaw." "All right. There can't be any backing out now, understand that. You are in for a fight, if Gallup doesn't apologize." "Yaw; but you mighd influence him to abologize uf you couldt, ain'd id?" "It would not be proper to bring any undue influence to bear on him. I shall carry your challenge to him immediately."

The Prince asked Bert abruptly in English. "Did you ever see this thing go op?" Bert jumped. "Saw it from Bun 'Ill, your Royal Highness." Von Winterfeld made some explanation. "How fast did it go?" "Couldn't say, your Royal Highness. The papers, leastways the Daily Courier, said eighty miles an hour." They talked German over that for a time. "Couldt it standt still? Op in the air?

Richling insisted, in the face of much scepticism on the part of the baker's widow, that he felt better, was better, and would go on getting better, now that the weather was cool once more. "Well, I hope you vill, Mr. Richlin', dtat's a fect. 'Specially ven yo' vife comin'. Dough I could a-tooken care ye choost tso koot as vot she couldt."