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He smiled gently as who should observe, 'I and Shakespeare. It was perhaps only natural that Farnie, having been warned so strongly of the inadvisability of having anything to do with Monk, should for that very reason be attracted to him. Nobody ever wants to do anything except what they are not allowed to do. Otherwise there is no explaining the friendship that arose between them.

Curiosity insisted upon knowing further details. Just as the struggle was at its height, Farnie came unexpectedly to the rescue. 'It may interest you, he said, 'to know that I was not sacked from Clifton. Gethryn with some difficulty refrained from thanking him for the information. 'I never stop at a school long, said Farnie.

Gethryn became more convinced every minute that this was no ordinary kid. 'This man says, observed Farnie, returning to Gethryn, 'that he'll drive me up to the College for seven bob. As it's a short four miles, and I've only got two boxes, it seems to me that he's doing himself fairly well. What do you think? 'Nobody ever gives more than four bob, said Gethryn.

He contrived to catch Farnie in the act of performing some ingenious breach of the peace, and, it being a Wednesday and a half-holiday, sent him into extra lesson. On the following morning, more by design than accident, Farnie upset an inkpot. Mr Smith observed icily that unless the stain was wiped away before the beginning of afternoon school, there would be trouble.

'I say, do you remember my lending you two quid some time ago? 'You don't give me much chance of forgetting it, said Farnie. Monk smiled. He could afford to be generous towards such witticisms. 'I want it back, he said. 'All right. You'll get it at the end of term. 'I want it now. 'Why? 'Awfully hard up, old chap. 'You aren't, said Farnie.

To see the head of the House going about with a juvenile uncle in his wake might amuse the chaps rather, and you might find it harder to keep order; I won't let it out, and nobody else knows apparently. Go and square the kid. Oh, I say though, what's his name? If it's Gethryn, you're done. Unless you like to swear he's a cousin. 'No; his name's Farnie, thank goodness. 'That's all right then.

I was forgetting. Out with it. Ten pounds had been the sum Farnie had taken from the study. Six was all he was able to restore. Gethryn enquired after the deficit. 'I gave it to Monk, said Farnie. To Gethryn, in his present frame of mind, the mere mention of Monk was sufficient to uncork the vials of his wrath. 'What the blazes did you do that for? What's Monk got to do with it?

'While you're about it, Farnie, old man, he said carelessly, 'you might let me have a bob or two if you don't mind. Five bob'll see me through to Saturday all right. 'Do you mean tomorrow? enquired Farnie, looking up from his heap of gold. 'No, Saturday week. Let you have it back by then at the latest. Make a point of it. 'How would a quid do? 'Ripping, said Danvers ecstatically.

By replying that he was sorry, but he had not got the money, he gave Farnie, who was still standing at the door, his cue to offer to supply the deficiency. Most new boys they had grasped this fact from experience would have felt it an honour to oblige a senior with a small loan.

When they arrived at the School gates, Monk and Danvers turned to go in the direction of their form-room, the Remove, leaving Farnie at the door of the Upper Fourth. At this point a small comedy took place. Monk, after feeling hastily in his pockets, requested Danvers to lend him five shillings until next Saturday. Danvers knew this request of old, and he knew the answer that was expected of him.