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Farnie came out, and Gethryn proceeded to inform him that, all things considered, and proud as he was of the relationship, it was not absolutely essential that he should tell everybody that he was his uncle. In fact, it would be rather better on the whole if he did not. Did he follow? Farnie begged to observe that he did follow, but that, to his sorrow, the warning came too late.

But Nature had endowed that youth with a fund of vitriolic repartee. When Millett, one of Leicester's juniors, evolved some laborious sarcasm on the subject of Farnie's swell friends, Farnie, in a series of three remarks, reduced him, figuratively speaking, to a small and palpitating spot of grease. After that his actions came in for no further, or at any rate no outspoken comment.

Monk had come out with Waterford, but seeing Farnie ahead and walking alone he quitted Waterford, and attached himself to the genial Reginald. He wanted to talk business. He had not found the speculation of the two pounds a very profitable one. He had advanced the money under the impression that Farnie, by accepting it, was practically selling his independence.

I say, old chap, don't walk so fast. Farnie, rightly concluding that the remark was addressed to him, turned and waited, and the three strolled over to the School buildings together.

'He said he'd get me sacked if I didn't pay him, whined Farnie. This was not strictly true. Monk had not said. He had hinted. And he had hinted at flogging, not expulsion. 'Why? pursued the Bishop. 'What had you and Monk been up to?

It was the arrival of the absolutely unexpected. Then he began to consider the position. Farnie must be brought back. That was plain. And he must be brought back at once, before anyone could get to hear of what had happened.

'I mean, he went on hurriedly, 'why did you leave Wellington? 'Sacked, said Farnie again, with the monotonous persistence of a Solomon Eagle.

'It doesn't matter, he said wearily, as Farnie opened his mouth to demand a fourth encore, 'it wasn't anything important. Now, look here, I just want to give you a few tips about what to do when you get to the Coll. To start with, you'll have to take off that white tie you've got on. Black and dark blue are the only sorts allowed here.

'Or sovereigns, said Farnie. 'Each worth twenty shillings, you know. For a moment Gethryn's only feeling was one of unmixed envy. Previously he had considered himself passing rich on thirty shillings a term. He had heard legends, of course, of individuals who come to School bursting with bullion, but never before had he set eyes upon such an one.

All these Farnie observed with considerable interest, but as he moved towards the book-shelf his eye was caught by an object more interesting still. It was a cash-box, simple and unornamental, but undoubtedly a cash-box, and as he took it up it rattled. The key was in the lock.