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Should have done my best to put a stop to this engagement at the outset before there was any engagement at all, in fact." "And so you cannot possibly know how the whole thing any breaking off I mean would be regarded." "Can't I, though?" said Lord Fallowfeild. "I know perfectly well how I should regard it myself." "You do not take the advantages sufficiently into consideration, papa.

Cathcart said. She folded her plump, white hands upon her ample lap and sighed gently. "Wasn't it, though? So I told everybody from the start you know," commented Lord Fallowfeild. "It caused a great deal of unhappiness." "So it did, so it did," the good man said, quite humbly.

The leading shopkeepers of Westchurch and their humbler brethren from Farley Row. All the country gentry too. Lord and Lady Fallowfeild and a goodly company from Whitney Park, Lord Denier and a large contingent from Grimshott Place, the Cathcarts of Newlands, and many more persons of undoubted consequence specially perhaps in their own eyes.

"The nuisance is sometimes they won't leave you alone." Lord Fallowfeild gazed at him a moment, very genially. "Oh! ah! well I suppose they won't," he said, and he chuckled. "Anyhow I stood by your poor Uncle Archibald. He was my brother of course, and she was a second cousin of your mother's, so I felt bound to. And I saw them across the Channel and into the Paris train.

"Pretty country about you here, uncommonly pretty," Lord Fallowfeild was saying in response to some remark of Lady Calmady's. "Always did admire it. Always liked a meet on this side of the county when I had the hounds. Very pleasant friendly spirit on this side too. Now Cathcart, for instance sensible fellow Cathcart, always have liked Cathcart, remarkably sensible fellow.

His affectation of generosity as to price was a piece of transparent hypocrisy." "I suppose it was," Lord Fallowfeild agreed mildly. "A certain anonymous donor had promised a second five hundred pounds, if the hospital was built on high ground with a subsoil of gravel." "It is on gravel," put in Lord Fallowfeild anxiously.

He had enjoyed a fine day's sport in company with his favourite son, whose financial embarrassments were not, it may be added, just now in a critical condition. And then, access of material prosperity had recently come to Lord Fallowfeild in the shape of a considerable coal-producing property in the North of Midlandshire.

If they were unhappy I should feel ashamed of having had them as if I'd done something horribly selfish; because, you see, there can be nothing so delightful as having children." She looked at Lord Fallowfeild in the most pathetic manner, the corners of her mouth a-shake.

You were saying?" "That you might very properly have written and told me about this business, and given me an opportunity of expressing my opinion before things reached a head." Mr. Quayle drew forward a chair and seated himself with mild deliberation. Lord Fallowfeild began to fidget. "Very clever fellow, Ludovic," he said to himself.

"Doesn't she, though?" commented Lord Fallowfeild, with an air of receiving curious, scientific information. "Oh, of course not! How could she? And then, papa, you know how you have always indulged Connie" Lady Alicia's voice was slightly peevish in tone. She was not in very good health at the present time, with the consequence that her face showed thin and bird-like.