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He would merely say, in general terms and in these general terms he knew he was correct that my costume had of late assumed 'des facons mondaines, which it wounded him to see."

"That I could not have written had I tried till doomsday," finished Fairfax Cary. "Do you like acrostics, Mrs. Rand?" Jacqueline smiled. "No, nor keepsakes either. Unity and I both like strong prose and books with meanings. Her façons de parler are many." "Well, anyhow," said Miss Dandridge, "I like Mr. Washington Irving. He doesn't only write acrostics; he writes prose as well.

It will amuse the reader to see the passages side by side. Il n'y a personne qui, en lisant la traduction de ces chants, ne soit frappe de la ressemblance qu'ils presentent avec le Cantique des Cantiques. Ce sont les memes facons ..., les memes images ..., les memes comparaisons.

I afterwards rubbed them with brandy. The dinner was put on table, and the gendarmes took their seats sans façons. After I had taken my second tumbler of wine I began to revive.

Eustace had heard or read somewhere that such expressions in a woman's mouth were mere facons de parler, and on the whole signs that she had no objection to be alone, and did not intend to call for help; and he only grasped her hands the more fiercely, and looked into her face with keen and hungry eyes; but she was in earnest, nevertheless, and a loud shriek made him aware that, if he wished to save his own good name, he must go: but there was one question, for an answer to which he would risk his very life.

What "facons mondaines" he discovered in my present winter merino and plain white collar, I own it puzzled me to guess: and when I asked him, he said it was all made with too much attention to effect and besides, "had I not a bow of ribbon at my neck?"

"Ah you people have your facons!" he murmured as Longmore turned away, not foreseeing that he should learn still more about his facons before he had done with him. Longmore sat down to dinner at his hotel with his usual good intentions, but in the act of lifting his first glass of wine to his lips he suddenly fell to musing and set down the liquor untasted.

Who has not observed the grace and ease with which they wear risky patterns and unusual façons, and so delude the arrogant but ungraceful customer into buying, in the belief that she will look just as well as the pretty model?

The men soon learnt that the estaminets were the equivalent in France of the public houses at home, and thither they repaired in the evening to spend their time. Many good young men who had never taken a drop of the more invigorating liquors learnt that soldiers drank them, and the cause of teetotalism began to wane. On the 24th a move was made to Les Facons, a straggling village outside Bethune.

These beasts, of which, to use the old Norman phrase of "Master Nicole Le Fevre, avait pourtraye les facons," must have struck him as very peculiar indeed when he refers to them as "utterly unknown in Christendom," and we know well that no other country can boast of a fauna so essentially different to that of any other part of the world as the Australian Continent.