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Updated: September 14, 2024

"Well, then, you'll have to stay in the cabin when me and Jim leaves." "Not much. I'll stuff Jim's clothes full of straw and lay it on his bed to represent his mother in disguise, and Jim 'll take the nigger woman's gown off of me and wear it, and we'll all evade together. When a prisoner of style escapes it's called an evasion. It's always called so when a king escapes, f'rinstance.

"Well, then, you'll have to stay in the cabin when me and Jim leaves." "Not much. I'll stuff Jim's clothes full of straw and lay it on his bed to represent his mother in disguise, and Jim 'll take the nigger woman's gown off of me and wear it, and we'll all evade together. When a prisoner of style escapes it's called an evasion. It's always called so when a king escapes, f'rinstance.

She wouldn't be able to do enough for a little dog that 'ad chased 'im out of this very scullery, f'rinstance." We were thrilled by hope. "But where is the burglar?" "Well, I could produce the burglar in a pinch. He's reformed but he'd undertake a little job like this if he know'd it was for partic'lar friends of mine, and not a bit of 'arm in it. Is it a go?"

Were you kind of nervous, or anything like that, beforehand?" Mr. Genesis again passed a wavering hand across his troubled brow. "I mean," said William, observing his perplexity, "were you sort of shaky f'rinstance, as if you were taking an important step in life?" "Lemme see." The old man pondered for a moment.

Now, f'rinstance, you take this here present instance: A woman turns aginst the woman she thinks is her own mother. Then she finds out the other woman ain't her own mother a-tall, and she swings right back round agin and well, it's got me stumped. Now ef in her place it had 'a' been a man. But a woman oh, shuckin's, whut's the use?"

The English country is a going concern still; just as the Established Church if you'll excuse me saying it, is a going concern. Just as Oxford is or Cambridge. Or any of those old, fine old things. Only it wants fresh capital, fresh idees and fresh methods. Light railways, f'rinstance scientific use of drainage. Wire fencing machinery all that." The vicar's face for one moment betrayed dismay.

'Andsomebody could be put under an obligation to that little dog, she'd probably tike it right into 'er 'eart and 'ome. If that little dog, f'rinstance, should save Mrs. 'Andsomebody from drowning does she ever go in bathing?" "Likely, at her age, in December!" sneered Mary Ellen. "Try again." "We might hold her under water in the bath-tub till Giftie would fish her out," suggested Angel.

Every Thursday evening he took dinner at Eva's, and on Sunday noon at Stell's. He tucked his napkin under his chin and openly enjoyed the home-made soup and the well-cooked meats. After dinner he tried to talk business with Eva's husband, or Stell's. His business talks were the old-fashioned kind, beginning: "Well, now, looka here. Take, f'rinstance your raw hides and leathers."

And now, when he said to Ben or George, "Take, f'rinstance, your raw hides and leathers," they listened with respectful attention. And then began the gay-dog business in the life of Jo Hertz. He developed into a Loop-hound, ever keen on the scent of fresh pleasure. That side of Jo Hertz which had been repressed and crushed and ignored began to bloom, unhealthily.

"An' also, dey suttinly do git up some mouty curious laws." He paused a moment as though in a still slightly dazed contemplation of the statutory idiosyncrasies of the Caucasian, and then added the key words: "F'rinstance, now, dey got a law dat you got to keep lions an' tigers in a cage. Yassuh, da's de law.

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