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At the same time he was filled with a kind of exultancy. All that he had hoped had come to pass, and more, vastly more. Not only had he been received as a friend at Ventirose, but he had been encouraged to tell her a part at least of the story by which her life and his were so curiously connected; and he had been snatched from the peril of telling her too much.

Then were to be heard the groans of the wounded and dying; then for the first time the yell of the Doomsmen broke forth, ear-piercing in its exultancy. Constans had managed to reach the shelter of the Great House, half dragging, half carrying the fainting form of his sister.

Only by conscious effort could these two subdue their visages to a becoming sadness; for Basil thought of his marriage, Decius of Rome and his library. Nor did Petronilla wear an aspect of very profound gloom; at moments she forgot herself, and a singular animation appeared on her proud features; it was as though some exultancy took hold of her mind.

She inclined her head in acknowledgment, and something softly changed in her face. "She smiled!" he said, and caught his breath, with a kind of astonished exultancy. That soft change in her face came and went and came again through all his dreams. "Good morning, Prospero," said Annunziata. "Good morning, Wide-awake," responded John.

Then I must help you do it. Though I covet your love more than life I will not tether it. Oh, it's because I so covet that I will not tether it! With the last gem from my own throat will I rather help you go free if you want to go. God of mercy, what else can I do!" In grave exultancy Flora moved up and down the drawing-room enjoying her tread on its rich carpet.

First of all men of his breed was he to enter this lone Northland village, and at the thought an exultancy came upon him, an exaltation, and his followers noted that his leg-weariness fell from him and that he insensibly quickened the pace.

"The first dance and then the garden and the moon and you all to myself." Tony shook her head. She was on guard. "I shall want more than one dance and more than one partner. I am afraid I shan't have time for the moon and the garden to-night. I adore dancing. I never stop until the music does." A flash of exultancy leaped into his eyes. "So? I might have known you would adore dancing.

Through the rest of the dinner he was silent, a prey to that dark exultancy, to that uncanny agitation. This silence persisted while the cab bore us back into the city. In the narrow streets a blaze of light from the open fronts of cook-shops flooded the lower stories of some palaces which once on a time had housed much fierceness and beauty, treachery and perverse seductiveness.

He laid a hand on himself now, though it was not easy to do so. "It was not the luck of Enniscorthy that sent Erris Boyne to his doom," he said, however, with anger in his mind, for Dyck's calm boldness stirred the worst in him. He thought he saw in him an exultancy which could only come from his late experiences in the field. It was as though he had come to triumph over the governor.

"You are German?" quickly. "I was born in Bavaria, Miss Killigrew." "The name should have told me." She excused herself. "Oho!" thought Fitzgerald, with malicious exultancy. "If she doesn't interfere with your work!" But with introspection, this exultancy grew suddenly dim. How about himself? Yes. Here was a question that would bear some close inspection.