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"Grand!" Emmy agreed, with the slightest hint of dryness. "I say, it was awfully good of you to come to-night," said Alf. "I've ... you've enjoyed it, haven't you?" He was looking sharply at her, and Emmy's face was illumined. He saw her soft cheeks, her thin, soft little neck; he felt her warm gloved hand within his own.

The yellow postilion cracked his whip prodigiously, up sprang Francis to the box, away went the schimmels, and Dobbin with his head on his breast. He never looked up as they passed under Amelia's window, and Georgy, left alone in the street, burst out crying in the face of all the crowd. Emmy's maid heard him howling again during the night and brought him some preserved apricots to console him.

The legend would re-form later, perhaps, and would continue so to re-form as persuasion flowed back upon Jenny's egotism, until it crystallised hard and became unchallengeable; but at any rate for this instant Jenny had had a glimmer of insight into that tamer discontent and rebelliousness that encroached like a canker upon Emmy's originally sweet nature.

In each case the cause of unhappiness was unsatisfied love, unsatisfied craving for love. It was more acute in Emmy's case, because she was older and because the love she needed was under her eyes being wasted upon Jenny if it were love, and not that mixture of admiration and desire with self-esteem that goes to make the common formula to which the name of love is generally attached.

The reconciliation of ape and angel that our human nature demands had, thanks to my father's bungling match-making, gone fatally wrong. A hopeless separation had arisen, the angel seemed inaccessible and the beast sought his own wild paths. My thoughts would suffer no desecration of Emmy's sacredness.

"Couldn't he have come here?" "He mustn't leave his ship. I didn't know what to do. At first I thought I couldn't go. But the man was waiting " "Man!" cried Emmy. "What man?" "The chauffeur." Emmy's face changed. Her whole manner changed. She was outraged. "Jenny! Is he that sort! Oh, I warned you.... There's never any good in it. He'll do you no good." "He's a captain of a little yacht.

How glad will you be, dearest one, how happy in our secret to read my heart's own thoughts, when I am far away far away, clearing up mine Emmy's cares, and telling her how blessed I feel in ministering to her happiness!" Such was the substance of their talk, while counting out the pocket-book.

And because she always wanted to do what Jenny did, and always wanted what Jenny had got, Em wanted to be taken out by Alf. Jenny, with the cruel unerringness of an exasperated woman, was piercing to Emmy's heart with fierce lambent flashes of insight.

I love it now for Emmy's sake. I couldn't live in another though I should be haunted. Rather her ghost than nothing though I'm an infernal coward about the next world. But if you're right with religion you needn't fear. What I can't comprehend in Redworth is his Radicalism, and getting richer and richer. 'It's not a vow of poverty, said Dacier.

Alf's quick answer was reassuring enough. Emmy's heart was eased. She drew him nearer with her arms about his neck, and they kissed again. "I wish you'd say you love me," she whispered. "Mean such a lot to me." "No!" cried Alf incredulously. "Really?" "Do you?" "I'll think about it. Do you me?" "Yes. I don't mind saying it if you will." Alf gave a little whistle to himself, half under his breath.