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I should think you'd go distracted; and, by the way, what a quantity of common people attend your church!" Mr. Eldred looked into the fire and repeated half aloud, "The common people heard Him gladly." As the weeks went on, it became evident to him that he must abandon the pleasant plans he had formed of companionship in his work.

"We don't know," Neale said, in a worried tone. Then suddenly there was a sharp crack from inside the snow castle. "Crickey! it's coming down!" exclaimed Wilbur. "What was that, Neale?" demanded Joe Eldred. "That pillar's gone!" exclaimed Neale O'Neil, pointing to one of the wooden supports by which the roof of planks and snow was partly upheld.

Or that it was believed to contain important manuscript notes? Eldred would of course show him the book, from which the leaf would already have been removed. He might, perhaps, find traces of the removal a torn edge of a fly-leaf probably and who could disprove, what Eldred was certain to say, that he too had noticed and regretted the mutilation? Altogether the chase seemed very hopeless.

Deuced glad to have you back again. Hodson's a slacker of the slackest. We shan't keep him up here much longer, I fancy. Border notions of work don't agree with his delicate digestion! See you again at early parade: sharp up to time." And as Richardson's footsteps died into silence, Eldred Lenox went slowly back to the writing-table.

But as he set down the glass revulsion took hold of him; and on the heels of revulsion came self-scorn. This last roused him like the prick of a spur: for to men of Eldred Lenox's calibre, self-respect is the oxygen of the soul. The spirit of his grandfather had "scored a point" to-night. But such an achievement must not be risked again.

Dan and Biddy greeted him cautiously, for Eldred had filled their simple souls with suspicion. "He wants to compromise. He's afraid of our suit against him." As a matter of fact Dan would never put a dollar into the plan for a suit, and it had never gone beyond Eldred's talk and yet he had made them suspicious. Dan was forced to confess that Clement was becoming an "a-ristocrat."

All wore daggers, whose sheaths were incrusted in silver, in their belts, and the ealdorman and his kinsman carried short broad-bladed swords, while Edmund had his boar-spear. Eldred placed in the pouch which hung at his side a bag containing a number of silver cubes cut from a long bar and roughly stamped.

Before investing him with the royal robes Eldred, according to custom, demanded in a loud voice of the English people whether they were willing that Harold should be crowned their king, and a mighty shout of assent rang through the abbey.

Could they take care of the big fortune he was about to give them? Ought he not to give them a few thousands such sum as they could comprehend and take care of? Would it not be better for them? Then there was forty-five thousand dollars to be given to a cheap little man that was hardest of all, for he had come to hate the sight of the sleek black head of Arthur Eldred.

"Mamma can comfort her," she thought to herself, as she emptied the pitcher which Sarah had filled a few minutes before, and refilled it with water a shade cooler. "I'll leave them alone a few minutes and go down and see about the coffee. I know she will like those little currant cakes of Sarah's." Frieda, however, seemed little inclined to ask consolation from Mrs. Eldred.