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"Come with me," said the elder and he took him into his own room up a flight of stairs. "Now, then, what can I do to help you?" "You will pardon me, I know; but somehow, I was led to tell you my story on ship-board, and you're the only one I can talk to now." Then Chester told the elder what he had learned. When he had finished, the elder's face was very grave.

Lawyer Young and his squatter women! Sounds nice, doesn't it?" To be loyal to herself and Deforrest, she could not help but disagree with him. "Now, Ebenezer, you oughtn't to say such a thing," she expostulated. A flame of anger shot into the elder's steady stare. "Don't you 'Now Ebenezer' me!" he snorted. "Young's making my lake property a disorderly house. It's positively indecent!

James', overcome by the unwonted draughts upon his scanty store of strength, not to mention the exhaustion of spirit he had undergone, was carried home in a chair. Sergius was faithful throughout. At the gate of the monastery he asked the elder's blessing. "Depart not, my son; stay with me a little longer. Thy presence is comforting to me." The adjuration prevailed.

"Lord! what a joke! Did the drummer give the show away on board?" "No, for a wonder. But he told me of it." "Daughters good looking?" "Younger one is not too bad; elder's a terror thin, bony, long face, long nose, long feet, long conceit of herself, and pretty long age, walks mincingly, like a hen on a hot griddle, and " "Oh, stop it! The old woman?"

Ain't you going to set down? There, that's better." The Elder's face was livid. "I cal'late I'll talk better if I get this thing going," observed the seaman, lighting his pipe. "Now, Jim, I ain't sartin why I'm going to talk to you in private like this, but " "By God! It's time you're finding out! Your impudence has got beyond all bounds." "I wouldn't swear like that.

As for the minister's horse, the moral sentiment of the community protected him faithfully; for a man was fined in Newbury for "killing our elder's mare, and a special good beast she was."

In neither the naturalistic school of fiction, nor the psychological, in so far as the latter is represented by Bourget, has Balzac's influence been a gain. Bourget has borrowed Balzac's furniture, his pompous didacticism, his occasional indecency in fine, all that is least essential in the elder's assets, without learning how to breathe objective life into one of his characters.

Piers answered in the affirmative, and gave details, much to the elder's satisfaction. Thereupon, Daniel began talking in a strain of yet closer confidence, sitting knee to knee with Piers and tapping him occasionally in a fraternal way. It might interest Piers to know that he was writing a book a book which would revolutionise opinion with regard to certain matters, and certain periods of art.

The Elder's face remained immovable, and Bertrand reluctantly added, "We fear either your son or his cousin, possibly both of them, have met with disaster maybe murder."

She was very thoughtful all that afternoon, however, and so quiet that when school was over and the two girls stood on the steps of Mrs. Elder's Select Establishment, Nellie inquired anxiously if her friend were ill. "Ill!" repeated Winnie with a light laugh; "not I only, I've been a-thinking," and a long-drawn sigh accompanied the words.