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"So do I," agreed her husband, with his usual caustic turn of speech. "I swan! I can sleep better under the elder's preaching than I can to home." "If you go to sleep to-day, Ira, I shall step on your foot," warned his wife. "You'd better take care which one you step on," rejoined Cap'n Ira. "I got a corn on one that jumps like an ulcerated tooth.

For some time previously the younger artist had yielded to the elder's influence; and although he continued to paint with purely tricky skill, he no longer talked of anything but substantial, thickly-painted work, of bits of nature thrown on to canvas, palpitating with life, such as they really were.

It happened to that worthy forefather of Emerson that upon his "pressing a piece of Charity disagreeable to the will of the Ruling Elder, there was occasioned an unhappy Discord in the Church of Concord; which yet was at last healed, by their calling in the help of a Council and the Ruling Elder's Abdication." So says Cotton Mather.

All the same, at the bottom of this public display of sisterly devotion and harmony and in spite of occasional tiffs and differences, there was genuine affection on both sides, for as a child Nita had adored Margaret, and there could be no doubting the elder's love for the child. Some regimental observers said that every bit of heart that eldest Terriss girl had was wrapped up in the little one.

Michael Angelo did not like San Gallo; neither did he like Bramante-who was his senior by thirty years-but this makes his appreciation of the elder's work all the more generous. Tinkered away at it, indeed! May 21st. I spent all the morning at work by the open window.

Blanchard had provided; then, as John was about to light a pipe, his brother, with a smile, produced a little wicker globe and handed it to him. This unexpected sight awoke sudden and keen appetite on the elder's face. He smacked his lips, swore a hearty oath of rejoicing, and held out an eager hand for the thing.

"Ye don't mean it?" gasped Marty. "But I do mean it. Why not? Do you suppose the old gentleman comes into the reading-room without being interested in it?" "Say!" drawled her cousin. "I'll be the goat all right, all right!" Janice was indeed cultivating the old Elder's acquaintance. She would not have done it to benefit herself in any way; but to help the library

"It certainly is," said Lucy, unconscious to all else but the spirit of the Elder's words. "In this world," said the Elder, "the God-given power of creation is exercised unthoughtfully, unwisely, and often wickedly.

He was an excellent little horse, but now so terribly footsore he could scarcely drag himself along; he was one of six best of the lot. The last horse of all was the poor little shadow of a cob, the harness-mate of the one killed at Elder's Creek. On reaching the stones this poor little ghost fell, never again to rise. We could give him no relief, we had to push on.

A black boy darted round the corner, from behind which, with several others, he had beheld the brief but stirring scene. "Put a saddle on er mule. The elder's gwine back to town. And don't you be long about it neither." "Yessum." Aleck's ivories gleamed in the darkness as he disappeared. Elder Brown was soberer at that moment than he had been for hours. "Hannah, you don't mean it?"