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You will still be living your marvellous scarlet life, still teaching the London tradesmen the exact value of your supreme aristocracy. If you had become a capitalist you might have grown whiskers and become respectable. Why do whiskers and respectability grow together? Here we are at the railway station. Railway stations always remind me of Mr. Terriss, the actor. They are so noisy.

I remember that I used to say "Naughty Teddy!" to my own little boy just for the pleasure of seeing him put out his under-lip, when his mouth looked lovely! At the Court Terriss was still under thirty, but doing the best work of his life.

At Niagara William Terriss slipped and nearly lost his life. At night when he appeared as Bassanio, he shrugged his shoulders, lowered his eyelids, and said to me "Nearly gone, dear," he would call everybody "dear" "But Bill's luck! Tempus fugit!" What tempus had to do with it, I don't quite know! When we were first in Canada I tobogganed at Rosedale. I should say it was like flying! The start!

I have sometimes seen a clever man who was not a born actor play a small part with his brains, and have felt that the cleverness was telling more with the actors on the stage than with the audience. Terriss, like Mrs. Pritchard, if we are to believe what Dr. Johnson said of her, often did not know what on earth he was talking about!

"As you stand there, whipping your boot, you look the very picture of vain indifference," Olivia says to Squire Thornhill in the first act, and never did I say it without thinking how absolutely to the life Terriss realized that description! As I look back, I remember no figure in the theater more remarkable than Terriss.

One morning we went over and over one scene in "Much Ado" at least a dozen times I should think and each time when Terriss came to the speech beginning: "What needs the bridge much broader than the flood," he managed to give a different emphasis. First it would be: "What! Needs the bridge much broader than the flood!" Then: "What needs the bridge much broader than the flood."

It was the dignity and gravity of Mead which made everything he said so funny. I am afraid that those who never knew him will wonder where the joke comes in. Poor old chap, he'll not climb much longer!" This was one of the least successful of Henry's Shakespearean productions. Terriss looked all wrong as Orsino; many other people were miscast.

The committee, a few months later, wished Henry Irving to be the guest of honor at one of the club dinners. The honor was declined. The first night of "Olivia" at the Lyceum was about the only comfortable first night that I have ever had! I was familiar with the part, and two of the cast, Terriss and Norman Forbes, were the same as at the Court, which made me feel all the more at home.

It has the slaughter-house at one end and the graveyard at the other. The chief distraction is to walk from the slaughter-house to the graveyard. For a change one may walk from the graveyard to the slaughter-house. Ellaline Terriss was born at Port Stanley a fact not forgotten by the residents, but she has not lived there much since.

Prentiss had not related a single anecdote of the front, nor alluded to the fact that she was a Red Cross nurse. But she and Kate Terriss sat up until midnight. They were both women capable of seizing those rare opportunities for service that flit past so many intelligent women lacking initiative, and here was one that the most clear-thinking man would have envied.