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The clay of your abode has also been sanctified by God," said Patrick. "That will be received," said Sechnall. "Whosoever of the men of Eriu," said Patrick, "shall recite the three last chapters, or the three last lines, or the three last words, just before death, with pure mind, his soul will be saved." "Deo gratias ago," said Sechnall. Colman Ela recited it in his refectory thrice.

Ela laughed, too, but as if the recollection pleased him. "You think that is strange, do you? 'Twasn't so very strange in those days, because girls were scarce, don't you see? There was not a girl within forty miles of me; and just the thought of one now, as I was fixing those nails to hang her garments on; why, it ran just through me like a shock of electricity!

Sir, we are dress'd as you commanded us, what is your farther Pleasure? Doct. It well becomes the Honour you're design'd for, this Night to wed two Princes come with me and know your happy Fate. Doctor and Scar. Ela. Bless me! My Father, in all the rest of his Discourse shows so much Sense and Reason, I cannot think him mad, but feigns all this to try us. Bell. Not mad!

Your flying ship is very great," the Arab admitted. "But Allah and his Prophet are greater! Allahu akbar!" "Of course. But tell thou me, Rrisa, if I were to appear at Mecca in my Nissr Arrib ela Sema my Eagle of the Sky would not thy people give me great honors?"

If we be, I have taken order against a Discovery. Ela. I tremble, but know not whether 'tis with Fear or Joy. Enter Cinthio. Cin. Ha, shun my Arms, Elaria! Ela. Heavens! Why did you come so soon? Cin. Is it too soon, whene'er 'tis safe, Elaria? Ela. I die with Fear Met you not Scaramouch? He went to bid you wait a while; what shall I do? Cin. Why this Concern? none of the House has seen me.

Hark, I am amaz'd, but must conceal my Wonder, that Joy of Fools and appear wise in Gravity. Bell. Whence comes this charming Sound, Sir? Doct. From the Spheres it is familiar to me. Next Keplair and Galileus descend on each side, opposite to each other, in Chariots, with Perspectives in their Hands, as viewing the Machine of the Zodiack. Soft Musick plays still. Doct. Ela.

For, although the course was conducted in Goa itself I had never been to Ela Farm nor did I know anyone at the programme. Mr Braganza had informed me that participants would be offered free accommodation on the campus. However, it was not compulsory to stay there. I assumed that most people would avail of the accommodation facilities offered since late evening transport is not very good in Goa.

Hide nothing from me, my dear Bellemante, since all already is discover'd to me and more. Ela. Oh, why have you wak'd me from the softest Dream that ever Maid was blest with? Doct. Ela. Methought I entertain'd a Demi-God, one of the gay Inhabitants of the Moon. Bell. Ela. And mine a Ring, of more than mortal Lustre. Doct.