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I want you to promise to make an effort to do better; will you?" "Yaw; I dinks not efery dimes dot I does much better as nefer vos; vot doesn't you dinks not apout it, eh-don't it? Yaw!"

"I to my pest mit dryin' to pe a goot cook. I geep his house so glean as a bin. Vat I don't do, Gott weiss, I don't know it. I ain't esk him for ein tcent already. I ain't drouble him mit pills off of de grocer oder de putcher, oder anny-von. I makes launtry efery veek for some liddle peoples, und mit mine own money I bays my pills.

Maybe de Army uf de Potomac, a hundred thousand men, pass right before my door yesterday. Maybe, as der vedder vas hot, that efery one uf dem hundred thousand men came right into der house und take a cool drink out uf der water bucket. But I cannot remember. Alas, my poor memory!" "Then maybe Wilhelmina remembers." "Sh! do not speak uf dot poor voman.

She wass a widow unt besides she had a leetle pâtisserie which her man had left her." "I see avarice was your undoing. And you caught a tartar!" "A teufel!" repeated Pelletan. "A fiend! Oh, what an end to t'e tream! I worked oh, how hard I worked sweating at t'e ovens, efery hour of t'e twenty-four for t'e ovens must not pe allowed to cool.

He ees begging me efery day to come again back that leetle one," cried Joe indignantly. "I come here not wis plessir not so. He is ver' triste, thees boy ver' dull. I am to take sorry for heem sin vergüenza! Also, perhaps a leetle I am coming for that he ordaire always from the Posada the bes' dinners, lak now." "Such a care-free life!" sighed Francis-Frank. "Decidedly I must reform my ways.

"What do you ask for a small room and bed for a night?" said Dennis. "Zwei shillen," said the waiter, with a grin; "dot ish, if you don't vant as pig ped as dinner. Ve haf zwei shillen for bed, and zwei shillen for efery meal von dollar a day sheap!" The place was comparatively clean. A geranium or two bloomed in the window, and lager instead of fiery whiskey seemed the principal beverage vended.

The Professor leaned forward and, fixing me with his eye, spoke in a hoarse whisper, tense with excitement: "Mees Veenship, I am a biologist; you are a voman, creature of Nature, yearning for perfection after your kind. I I can gife it you. You can trust me; I am ready. I can gif you your vish, t'e vish of efery normal voman. Science t'at is I can make you t'e most beautiful being in t'e vorld!"

"It vill do me fery well. Dere iss nod much to see out here." "I know," said Wampus. "But Herr Gabert. What happen to him?" Again there was a pause. Then the German said slowly: "I am nod rich; but efery year I send a leetle money to Stuttgart to put some flowers on Herr Gabert's grave." The chauffeur's face brightened. He got up from his chair and solemnly shook Dan'l's hand.

So t'ey die. T'ey do not reproduce t'eir kind, not'ing lifing comes from t'em, to go on lifing, on and on, better and better or vorse, as Nature planned vit' efery generation. If a voman haf t'e desire of lofe and of beauty, and lofe and beauty come not to her, t'en I pity her, because I am less vise and resolute to vit'hold pity t'an Nature is.

Gif I see dem at all, it is at die Jambs Elusees, und dey do not see me... yet dey are ver' fond of me, und I might go to dine mit dem, und dey vould be ver' bleased to see me; und I might go to deir country-houses, but I vould much rader be mit mine friend Bons, because I kann see him venefer I like, und efery tay." Pons took Schmucke's hand and grasped it between his own.