United States or Armenia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Our theme for the hour is the American Newspaper. It is a subject in which everybody is interested, and about which it is not polite to say that anybody is not well informed; for, although there are scattered through the land many persons, I am sorry to say, unable to pay for a newspaper, I have never yet heard of anybody unable to edit one.

'I have presumed, said Mr Carker, 'to solicit an interview, and I have ventured to describe it as being one of business, because 'Perhaps you are charged by Mr Dombey with some message of reproof, said Edit 'You possess Mr Dombey's confidence in such an unusual degree, Sir, that you would scarcely surprise me if that were your business.

It must not be supposed that the resemblances between man and certain apes in the above and in many other points such as in having a naked forehead, long tresses on the head, etc., are all necessarily the result of unbroken inheritance from a common progenitor, or of subsequent reversion. 'Origin of Species, 5th edit. 1869, p.194.

Selling papers had naturally aroused his interest in printing and editing, and with Edison interest always manifested itself in action. In buying papers, he had, as usual, made use of his eyes, and, with the little knowledge of printing picked up in this way, he determined to start a printing press and edit a paper of his own. He first purchased a quantity of old type from the Detroit Free Press.

Inasmuch as a wretched script was one of the most conspicuous of these eccentricities, it is fortunate that his wife lived to edit his letters; but even she, though familiar with his handwriting during many years of courtship and marriage, was not infrequently obliged to interpolate a conjectural word.

He reached to relieve her hand. "Let me do it for you, Miss Thayer." "No," she denied him, putting down her qualm, clutching the heavy belt firmly. "It is a notable trophy, a great distinction you're giving me, Mr. Morgan. I'm afraid you'll think I'm a coward," smiling wanly as she lifted her face. "You're not afraid to edit the paper. That seems to me the most dangerous job in town."

Hell of a country, isn't it? where the ice is 'YELLOW' and the butter is 'MEANT TO KILL YOU, and does." O'Reilly laughed. "You've been studying a guide-book, 'with complete glossary of Spanish phrases. By the way, Carbajal said you are a writer." Mr. Branch nodded listlessly. "I'm supposed to report this insurrection, but the Spaniards won't let me. They edit my stuff to suit themselves.

"Look here! What's the reason we couldn't get one of the strikers to write it up for us?" "Might have a symposium of strikers and presidents," March suggested. "No; I'm in earnest. They say some of those fellows-especially the foreigners are educated men. I know one fellow a Bohemian that used to edit a Bohemian newspaper here.

Well, to answer you frankly, if you fail in so easy a task, you are not the man to edit our journal, and I shall find another. Allez, courage! Take my advice; see Savarin the first thing to-morrow morning. Of course, my name and calling you will keep a profound secret from him, as from all.

In the sixteenth century, as a greater inducement to purchasers, the offices were made transferable on certain conditions, and in 1605 they became subjects of inheritance. Places under government were thus assimilated to other property and passed from the holder to his heirs. The law which established this state of things was called Edit de la Paulette, after one Paulet, a farmer of the revenue.