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Ness's joining them gave him leisure to consider a little. The end of his reflections was, that the next day, Monday, he went into the town, and artfully learnt all he could hear about Mr Dunster's character and mode of going on; and with still more skill he extracted the popular opinion as to the embarrassed nature of Mr.

Dunster's breathing was regular, and his eyes were closed, but his colour was ghastly. "He doesn't look like getting up for a good many days to come," Hamel observed. The doctor led the way towards the door. "The man has a fine constitution," he said. "I feel sure that if you wish you will be able to talk to him to-morrow." They separated outside in the passage. Mr.

"I have seen the monster," said Richard, who had often been down to the beach to see the unlading of the fishermen's boats, and to share little John of Dunster's unfailing marvel, that the Mediterranean should produce such outlandish creatures, so alien to his Bristol Channel experiences.

She was as popular with women as with men, for there was something disarming, attaching, almost elfish, in Bubbles Dunster's charm. For one thing, she was so good-natured, so kindly, so always eager to do someone a good turn and last, not least, she had inherited her aunt's cleverness about clothes!

Wilkins's affairs embarrassment which was generally attributed to Dunster's disappearance with a good large sum belonging to the firm in his possession. But Mr. Corbet thought otherwise; he had accustomed himself to seek out the baser motives for men's conduct, and to call the result of these researches wisdom. He imagined that Dunster had been well paid by Mr.

When one considers that nothing ever happens here except an occasional shipwreck in the winter and a flower-show in the summer, it does sound positively thrilling. I wonder what he has done." They discussed the subject of Mr. Dunster's possible iniquities. Meanwhile, a young man carrying his hat in his hand had slipped in past the servants and was leaning over Mr. Fentolin's chair.

Dunster's actions and words were carefully and thoughtfully pre- arranged to further the great unspoken desire of his life that of being made a partner where he now was only a servant. Mr. Wilkins took a malicious pleasure in tantalizing Mr.

Dunster's flight and reported defalcations, Ellinor's illness, of the seriousness of which her lover was now convinced by her appearance. He would fain have spoken more to her during the dinner that ensued, but Mr. Wilkins absorbed all his attention, talking and questioning on subjects that left the ladies out of the conversation almost perpetually. Mr.

And he on cherub rode and flew; yea, he flew on the wings of winde. 11. His secret place hee darkness made his covert that him round confide. I cannot understand why they did not sing the psalms of David just as they were printed in the English Bible; it would certainly be quite as practicable as to sing this latter selection. President Dunster's improving hand and brain evolved this rendition:

"For the very reasons you name that word will be given." Mr. Dunster's face was momentarily troubled. There was something in the still, cold emphasis of this man's voice which made him shiver. "Do you think," Mr.