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Wiseman, in whose vicariate Oxford lay, called me to Oscott; and I went there with others; afterwards he sent me to Rome, and finally placed me in Birmingham. I wrote to a friend: "January 20, 1846. You may think how lonely I am. 'Obliviscere populum tuum et domum patris tui, has been in my ears for the last twelve hours.

Et hoc negat Tryphonis aemuli domum Negare nobilem insulamve Caeruli, Ubi iste post Sabinus, ante Quinctio Bidente dicit attodisse forcipe Comata colla, ne Cytorio iugo Premente dura volnus ederet iuba. Neque ulla vota semitalibus deis Sibi esse facta praeter hoc novissimum, Paterna lora proximumque pectinem.

Another large court, paved with pebbles was seen, bounded at the end by a building, and all the community, in a sort of semicircle, with black books in their hands, cried, "Haec porta Domini: Justi intrabunt in eam." The novice made another step to the sill and answered in her far-away voice, "Ingrediar in locum tabernaculi admirabilis: usque ad domum Dei."

'God bless us all! cried the marquis, almost merrily, for he was pleased, and with the pleasure the old humour came back for a moment: 'they will give me a better castle when I am dead than they took from me when I was alive! 'Yet is it a small matter to him who inherits such a house as awaiteth my lord domum non manufactam, in caelis aeternam, said sir Toby.

There was a brief pause, during which Louis XVIII. wrote, in a hand as small as possible, another note on the margin of his Horace, and then looking at the duke with the air of a man who thinks he has an idea of his own, while he is only commenting upon the idea of another, said, "Go on, my dear duke, go on I listen." "Mala ducis avi domum," continued Louis XVIII., still annotating.

At this time Caffarelli had accumulated a great fortune, purchased a dukedom, and built a splendid palace at San Dorato, from which he derived his ducal title. Over the gate he inscribed, with characteristic modesty, this inscription: "Amphion Thebas, ego domum." * A wit of the period added, "Ille cum, sine tu."

Of his quarters in Saragossa in the first year of his classes he wrote: Domum habeo tota die ebullientibus Procerum juvenibus repletam. During the next nine years of his life, Peter Martyr devoted himself to his task and with results that gratified the Queen and reflected credit upon her choice.

Corio sums up his character thus: 'Fu costui uomo alla libidine molto proclivo; in grandissimo precio furono le gioie appresso di lui. Del giorno faceva notte, e la notte ispediva quanto gli occorreva. Marcus Attilius Alexius says: 'Paulus II. ex concubiná domum replevit, et quasi sterquilinium facta est sedes Barionis. See Gregorovius, Stadt Rom, vol. vii. p. 215, for the latter quotation.

The monastery of the Incarnation, Avila. 2 Cor. xii. 9: "Virtus in infirmitate perficitur." See Way of Perfection, ch. xxii.; but ch. xiii. ed. Doblado. See Foundations, ch. I, section 1. St. Matt. xix. 29: "Et omnis qui reliquerit domum . . . propter nomen Meum, centuplum accipiet, et vitam aeternam possidebit."

Although he had never seen a home that he cared beans about including the one of his childhood the singing of "Home, Sweet Home" invariably left him pensive for half an hour. Theoretically heretofore always strictly theoretically he possessed a strong dulce domum impulse. And so the spectacle of Sheila mending her brother's shirts was one of which he thoroughly approved.