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Updated: September 1, 2024

A scandal is passive and taken by the scandalised without the fault of the doer, only in this case, cum factum unius est alteri occasio peccandi praeter intentionem facientis, et conditionem facti, so that to the making of the doer blameless, is not only required that he intend not his brother’s fall, but also that the deed be neither evil in itself, nor yet done inordinately, and with appearance of evil.

Tom twisted and looked rather cross, but when asked to parse the word viribus, answered readily and correctly. "Very well, only two more affuit?" "Third person singular, praeter perfect tense of the verb affo, affis, affui, affere," gabbled off Tom with such confidence, that though Ethel gave an indignant jump, Richard was almost startled into letting it pass, and disbelieving himself.

And he added, for it hath been hinted that the young gentleman did not spell at this early time with especial accuracy, "My cousin, the Lady Maria, is a perfect Angle." "Ille praeter omnes angulus ridet," muttered little Mr. Dempster, at home in Virginia. "The child can't be falling in love with his angle, as he calls her!" cries out Mountain.

Above the door of one, neatly carved in wood, were the lines from Horace: "Ille terrarum mihi praeter omnes. Angulus ridet." Only a few chosen guests found admittance into this long, narrow apartment. It was completely wainscoted with wood, and from the centre of the richly-carved ceiling a strange picture gleamed in brilliant hues. This represented the landlord.

Thy hand is cold; their completion, and the enjoyment the completion yields, are for another! Thou sowest, and thy follower reaps; thou buildest, thy successor holds; thou plantest, and thine heir sits beneath the shadow of thy trees, "Neque harum, quas colis, arborum Te, praeter invisas cupressos, Ulla brevem dominum sequetur!"

Gout, which may be taken as the disease upon which he had the greatest reputation, is very badly described, and yet he has one or two fruitful ideas singularly mixed with mediaeval astrology; but he has here and there very happy insights, as where he remarks "nec praeter synoviam locqum alium ullum podagra occupat."

Above the door of one, neatly carved in wood, were the lines from Horace: "Ille terrarum mihi praeter omnes. Angulus ridet." Only a few chosen guests found admittance into this long, narrow apartment. It was completely wainscoted with wood, and from the centre of the richly-carved ceiling a strange picture gleamed in brilliant hues. This represented the landlord.

"Why," said he, "a child of my own is a luxury I am never likely to possess as long as I have wit to remember the fundamental axiom of philosophy: entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum; so it is natural enough fate should single me out to repair the negligence of those who have failed to observe that admirable principle.

The mate stood on the bowsprit, his tall grey figure slashing up and down against the stars, and still 'nihil astra praeter Vidit et undas. The rest of us were grouped at the port anchor davit, staring with no less assiduity, but with far less hope on the obscure horizon.

May we, last of all, hear what the canon law itself decreeth: Is qui praeest, si praeter voluntatem Dei, vel praeter quod in sanctis Scripturis evidenter praecipitur, vel dicit aliquid, vel imperat, tanquam falsus testis Dei, aut sacrilegus habeatur. Sect. 1. Now are we fallen upon the stronghold of our opposites, which is the king’s majesty’s supremacy in things ecclesiastical.

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