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True, you may make a most accurate imitation of him by taking one of Palmer's patent candles, wick and all, stuffing it with needles and split bristles, and then stewing the same in ditch-water. But here we come to a strip of thick cover, part of our Squire's home preserves, which it is impossible to fish, so closely do the boughs cover the water.

See, Port is making away from the storm, and Double X is as flat as ditch-water. Against these, awful in their white robes, the sober watchmen come. Finally, if he is at a loss, he can make a living head, body, and legs out of steel or tortoise-shell, as in the case of the vivacious pair of spectacles that are jockeying the nose of Caddy Cuddle. Of late years Mr.

Slurk, of course, read the GAZETTE; and each gentleman audibly expressed his contempt at the other's compositions by bitter laughs and sarcastic sniffs; whence they proceeded to more open expressions of opinion, such as 'absurd, 'wretched, 'atrocity, 'humbug, 'knavery', 'dirt, 'filth, 'slime, 'ditch-water, and other critical remarks of the like nature. Both Mr. Bob Sawyer and Mr.

I infer, an' please your worship, replied Trim, that the radical moisture is nothing in the world but ditch-water and that the radical heat, of those who can go to the expence of it, is burnt brandy, the radical heat and moisture of a private man, an' please your honour, is nothing but ditch-water and a dram of geneva and give us but enough of it, with a pipe of tobacco, to give us spirits, and drive away the vapours we know not what it is to fear death.

'speck ebbery ting be dull, wuss nor ditch-water. No more fun no more shuffle-foot. Old maussa no like de fiddle, and nebber hab party and jollication like udder people. Don't tink I can stay here, Mass Ra'ph, after you gone; 'spose, you no 'jection, I go 'long wid you? You leff me, I take to de swamp, sure as a gun." "No, Cæsar, you are not mine; you belong to your young mistress.

What a fool I was not to have volunteered for some desperate service instead of wasting time like this! Then at least life would have been interesting; now it was dull as ditch-water, with wretched vistas of stagnant waiting between now and that joyful day when I could claim that dear, rosy-checked girl for my own. What a fool I had been!

But "pique and wounded pride!" He had never in all his life experienced a moment of such intense uncomfortableness as that in which he had the honour to hand the lady of the house to her own well-appointed table. Indignation, vexation, disbelief of the whole matter spoiled his dinner effectually. Mrs Grove's exquisite soup might have been ditch-water for all he knew to the contrary.

These corpuscles are little cells of the body, which in shape and behavior are almost exactly like an ameba a tiny "bug," seen only under the microscope, that lives in ditch-water. Under the microscope the white corpuscles look like little round disks, about one-third larger than the red corpuscles, and with a large kernel, or nucleus, in their centre.

It is all as dull as ditch-water now Monsieur de Malfort is gone. He was always pleasant, and he let me play on his guitar, though he swore it excruciated him. And he taught me the new Versailles coranto. There's no pleasure for any one since he fell ill and left England." "You shall come to the Manor. It will be a change, even though you hate the country and love London."

One really never can tell, you know. An opening that is a scream with some people falls as flat as ditch-water with others." She looked at him pensively for a moment or two, tapping her small white teeth with a gold pencil. Suddenly Vane leaned forward. "May I ask your age, Joan?" Her eyebrows went up slightly. "Joan!" she said.