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"Well, Joel," she said, calmly, "very disagreeably smelling oil it is, I must say." "Good save the woman!" he broke out, sotto voce, "she's a born natural! Did ye never hear of a shaft? or millions o' gallons a day? It's better nor a California ranch, I tell ye. Mebbe," charitably, "ye didn't know Poke Run's the mester's?" "I certainly do. But I do not see what this green ditch-water is to me.

A great city it is, that's sure!" "It is ditch-water!" said Creep-and-Crawl. Really, the largest green leaf in this country is a dock-leaf; if one holds it before one, it is like a whole apron, and if one holds it over one's head in rainy weather, it is almost as good as an umbrella, for it is so immensely large.

"Here I've been dull as ditch-water for an hour, trying to find out something new, and it's all stated in a book printed ten years ago," he finished, after rapidly consulting the title-page. Jacob Farnum had been no listener to this conversation.

And I had no intention of sitting there and watching him pitch shut-out ball. "What are you going to do about it?" I asked, after he'd finished his job of bailing ditch-water into his car-radiator with a little collapsible canvas bucket. He climbed into his driving-seat, mud to the knees, before he answered me. "I'm going to get Hyacinthe out of this hole," was what he said.

I am not merely bringing this charge against that sort of fiction which is beneath literature and outside of it, "the shoreless lakes of ditch-water," whose miasms fill the air below the empyrean where the great ones sit; but I am accusing the work of some of the most famous, who have, in this instance or in that, sinned against the truth, which can alone exalt and purify men.

Each 'new recruit' whom the Verdurins failed to persuade that the evenings spent by other people, in other houses than theirs, were as dull as ditch-water, saw himself banished forthwith.

To all except a few theatre patrons I'm as dead as ditch-water; but some one might recognise the old name, and it would be very unpleasant."

Ketch, and say whether you would like it." "What did you talk of it for, then?" snarled Ketch, preparing to take a copious draught of ale. "Because I thought you and father were safe. You might both have known better than to speak of it out of doors. There is sure to be a commotion over it." "Miserable beer! Brewed out of ditch-water!" "Young Mr.

Down he went into as thorough a bath as ever a young rascal got in this world. The water was not over his head, and he was soon on his feet, but the dip had been complete enough to satisfy the most vindictive members of the Up-the-Ladder Club, and Tim was spitting and sputtering, then spitting and sputtering again, trying to clear month, eyes, nose, ears, of the unwelcome, dirty ditch-water.

Just my luck,” muttered Eph, disconsolately. “Here I’ve been dull as ditch-water for an hour, trying to find out something new, and it’s all stated in a book printedten years ago,” he finished, after rapidly consulting the title-page. Jacob Farnum had been no listener to this conversation.