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She yearned for Disston with all the intensity of her strong nature, and her efforts to conquer the longing seemed only to increase it. "God!" She sat up suddenly and struck her breast as though the blow might somehow stop the pain there, and asked herself fiercely: "Must I live forever with this heartache? Isn't there some peace? Some way of dulling it until my heart stops beating?"

The cameras clicked as a young woman sitting very erect on the high spring seat of a wagon and looking straight ahead of her came past the hotel at a brisk trot, holding the reins over four spirited horses. Disston straightened and asked quickly: "Who's that, Jap? It looks like " "Mormon Joe's Kate," Toomey finished. His tone had a sneer in it.

Neifkins, who was picking at a French knot in a spasm of nervousness lest Kate betray the fact that they had met. Disston was aware that Mrs. Neifkins knew Kate and his lip curled at her cowardice. He raised his head haughtily; he would not subject his partner to further rebuffs. "Come on, Katie," he said, curtly, and they passed into the dining room.

Henry used to talk saw and shout saw and swear saw, but he always sold them. I hung on to Spear & Jackson about as long as anyone did in this section, but I had to finally give in, and I was an ass for not taking hold of the Disston saw sooner." "It's a high-priced saw, isn't it?" "The Disston factory makes all kinds of saws. Look at this saw pretty neat, isn't it?

Then to Disston, darkly: "I'll take that from you onct, or twict, maybe, but if you call me Clarence three times I'll cut your heart out." Disston grinned understandingly. Toomey was among those who went to the Prouty House to look at the "bunch of millionaires" waiting on the veranda, and his surprise equalled Teeters' at seeing Disston. "Say, Hughie I got a deal on that's a pippin a pippin.

The leaders jumped over "the Innocent Bystander" before he had time to use his pickhandle, reared and fell on their backs, where they lay kicking the harness to pieces. "You miser'ble horse-stealin', petty larceny, cache-robbin' " just in time Teeters remembered that there were ladies present and curtailed his greeting to Hughie Disston. "Why didn't you let me know you was comin'?" he ended.

Rathburn shook her head reprovingly, but at the same moment another violent gust swept around the corner and lifted not only that lady's broad-brimmed hat, but her expensive "transformation." Mrs. Rathburn replaced it with guilty haste, and declared furiously: "I must say I agree with my daughter the country and its people are equally impossible." "I'm sorry," Disston replied contritely.

It was a new sensation for the southern girl to be ignored, or at least omitted from the conversation, and each second her resentment grew, though the underlying cause was that she felt herself overshadowed by Kate's stronger personality. To remind Disston of his remissness she walked over to a pen where Bowers, astride a powerful buck, saw in hand, was having his own troubles.

While the ladies attributed their occasional temperamental outbursts to the altitude, which was "getting on their nerves," it was no secret between them that their irritability was due to exasperation with Disston. With scientific skill and thoroughness they dissected him privately until he was hash, working their scalpels far into the watches of the night with unflagging interest.

Her daughter's account of her visit was equally gratifying, for Hugh Disston certainly was too fastidious to be attracted by a woman so uncouth of appearance and manner as portrayed in the vivid description the lady had received of her from Beth.