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Sir George Mackenzie is the chief mover of the expedition. This epigram or epitaph was written by Lord I-don't-know-who, upon Doctor Addington Pitt's Addington in old French: Cy dessous reposant Le sieur Addington git: Politique soi-disant, Medecin malgre lui. March 19. The other day we had a visit from a Mrs. Coffy no relation, she says, to your Mrs. Coffy.

Then succeeded a pause of more than a minute. The embarrassment of the silence was happily interrupted by the return of François. "Mam'selle Alide, voici de l'eau de la fontaine," said the valet; "mais Monsieur votre oncle s'esi couché, et il a mis la cléf de la cave an vin dessous son oreiller.

But where would she be more likely to find what she wanted than in the columns of a journal whose reporters listened behind doors and peeped through keyholes? Under the heading of 'Les Dessous Parisiens', she read on the first page: "Two hens lived in peace; a cock came And strife soon succeeded to joy; E'en as love, they say, kindled the flame That destroyed the proud city of Troy.

There are few families more ancient, more generally known, or more widely diffused throughout the known world, than that of Under: indeed, in every nation, though bearing different names, some branch of this family is extant; and there is no doubt that the Dessous of France, the Unters of Germany, and the Onders of the Land-under-water, belong to the same ancient and venerable house.

Has not he said every thing in one word? I should have been a little surprised, but that I have been seeing this good while the dessous des cartes. Don't flatter yourself that love for you offers Clay-hall no; but hatred to Mrs. and Miss Falconer.

Here I lived, au premier au dessous du soleil, in the enjoyment of no end of fresh air, especially in winter, and a brilliant prospect up and down the street and over the roofs of the houses across the way, which reached from the Pantheon on the one side, to the peaked roofs and factory-like chimneys of the Tuileries on the other, the dome of the Hôtel des Invalides occupying the centre of the picture.

"I am afraid there is nothing unnatural in thus perverting principles; half mankind appear to me really to get a great many of their notions dessus dessous." "Half is a small proportion; as you will find, my boy, when you grow older. But was it not an impudent proposal of Seneca, when he wished you and me to join the corps of 'Injins?" "What answer did you make?

Quand on passait dessous, On lui payait deux sous." 1831 and 1832, the two years which are immediately connected with the Revolution of July, form one of the most peculiar and striking moments of history. These two years rise like two mountains midway between those which precede and those which follow them. They have a revolutionary grandeur. Precipices are to be distinguished there.

"There is a literary dessous des cartes," said Lady Castlefort, a little vain of knowing a literary dessous des cartes; "Churchill being at the head of every thing of that sort, you know, the bookseller brought him the manuscript which Sir Thomas D'Aubigny had offered him, and wanted to know whether it would do or not. Mr.

"Why, is there any harm in her being in love with Karenin?" "But is it true Madame Karenina's here?" "Well, not here in the palace, but in Petersburg. I met her yesterday with Alexey Vronsky, bras dessous, bras dessous, in the Morsky." "C'est un homme qui n'a pas..." the gentleman of the bedchamber was beginning, but he stopped to make room, bowing, for a member of the Imperial family to pass.