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Joseph to Denver, six hundred and twenty-five miles, in two days and twenty-one hours. The Pony Express riders received from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and twenty-five dollars a month. But few men can appreciate the danger and excitement to which those daring and plucky men were subjected; it can never be told in all its constant variety.

A man named Welsh, of Colorado Springs, had a paralysed right hand which was immediately cured when Schlatter touched it. All New Mexico rejoiced in the heavenly blessing that had fallen upon Denver. Special trains disgorged thousands of travellers, who were caught up in the wave of religious enthusiasm directly they arrived.

"Do you know, Willy," said Mrs. Hay Denver one evening as she stood behind her husband's chair, with her hand upon his shoulder, "I think sometimes that Harold is not quite happy." "He looks happy, the young rascal," answered the Admiral, pointing with his cigar.

To apply to the Malapi bank for a loan would be to expose their financial condition to Steelman, and it was certain that he would permit no accommodation except upon terms that would make it possible to wreck the company. "I'm takin' the train for Denver to-morrow, Dave," the older man said.

"Nope," returned Bunker, "'bout the same kind of rock, though. That comes from the tunnel in there." "Like hell!" scoffed Denver with a swift look at the specimen, "and for sale for five hundred dollars? Well, there's something funny here, somewhere." He stepped into the tunnel and there, across the face, was a four inch vein of the ore.

"Nope!" denied Denver, "there was no figure of speech about that. It said: 'at the hands of your dearest friend. These jumpers ain't my friends and never was come on, let's take a chance. I'll run 'em off the claims if your father will give you half of 'em, and then you can turn around and sell out for cash and go back to New York like a queen.

The most efficient, the great stars, come from Spain. Many of them are extremely handsome men and their costume a handsome and picturesque one. As a mark of their profession they wear a small pigtail, not artificial but of their own growing hair. I travelled with one once but did not know it till he removed his hat. Denver and San Francisco were great centres of prize-fighting.

The news that the great English syndicate was looking into the C. & W. A. L R. R. was soon around the office, and each habitue had a bright word for the colonel, congratulating him on the favorable turn his affairs had taken. All but old Klutchem, a broker in unlisted securities, who had been trying for weeks to get a Denver land scheme before the same syndicate, and had failed.

'Excellency, the good Sarrasin said, in his courtliest and yet simplest tones, 'I ask permission to present to you two distinguished American scholars Professor Flick of Denver and Sacramento, and Mr. Andrew J. Copping of Omaha. These gentlemen will be proud to have the honour of meeting the patriot Dictator of Gloria, whose fame is world-renowned.

And he chuckled and shut the door softly. Denver stopped and stood staring, hardly crediting the news, yet conscious of the sinister exulting. The Professor was glad, therefore the news was bad; but what did he mean by those words? Had Drusilla gone away or had she thrown him over for neglecting to keep his engagement?