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No, no cocoa-nut milk, not a lilly drap of water; debil see you damned first. Suppose you ask, he poke um fire, and laugh. Well, den, ab you charity? No, you ab not. You, Quashee, how you dare look me in the face? You keep shop you sell egg you sell yam you sell pepper hot but when you give to me? Eh! nebber, so help me God. Suppose you no send you no ab charity, and you go to hell.

Why, ole Zip carried 'im in yar in dese berry arms. Mass'r an young missa come 'shore on de Lebee, down dar jes by de gate. Missa shout black folks come out an find um white genl'um all blood he faint, an missa have him carried in yar." "And after?" "Zip he mount fastest hoss ole White Fox an gallop for de doctor gallop like de debil, too.

I often ketched her crying, an' she'd say she had de headache, but I thought it war de heartache. 'Fore ole Marster died, she got so thin an' peaked I war 'fraid she war gwine to die; but she seed him out. He war killed by a tree fallin' on him, an' ef eber de debil got his own he got him. I seed him in a vision arter he war gone. He war hangin' up in a pit, sayin' 'Oh! oh! wid no close on.

The man spoke in simple good faith, and assured me that all Delhi people knew this to be a fact, and gave the place a wide berth on that anniversary. The idea of the "bad debil" throwing the poor coolie down from the top of the tower, followed by this curious legend, interested me as a bit of folk-lore, but my companion was drastic in her remarks.

Ton't led your vait vail already, and ton't let de debil git no unter holts on ye. Vatch and pe retty!" And August could hear the derisive shouts of Bill Day's party, who had recovered their courage, crying out, "Go it, ole Dutchman! I'll bet on you!" He clenched his fist in anger, but his mother's eyes, looking at him with quiet rebuke, pacified him in a moment.

The devil which was in her caused her to cry out in hideous glee: "An' so you'uns cotched her did you'uns? Good. Now we'uns'll see what de Jedge'll do. Will he put gentl'men ob de hills in de jug ag'in? De debil blast 'im and all his kind."

'Jim, you d rascal, said the Colonel to that courageous darky, who was skulking off, 'raise every nigger on the plantation, catch Moye, or I'll flog you within an inch of your life. 'I'll do dat, Cunnel; I'll kotch de ole debil, ef he's dis side de hot place.

I jes stay dar and burn; and after while de debil come 'round wid his gun, and say, 'Zack, I gwine to shoot you, and jes as he raise de gun, I jes jerk loose from dat wire, and I jes fly to heben." "Fly! did you have wings?" "O, yes, sir, I had wings." "Well, after you got to heaven, what did you do then?" "Well, I jes went to eatin' grass like all de balance of de lams."

You all ab charity and all ab faith; so now, my dear bredren, we go down on our knees, and thank God for all this, and more especially that I save all your souls from going to the debil, who run about Barbadoes like one roaring lion, seeking what he may lay hold off, and cram into his dam fiery jaw." "That will do, Peter," said O'Brien; "we have the cream of it I think."

Then, he raised his other hand, shook his finger, and in awe-inspiring tone continued: "Yes, I be sure die chicken do dat, but vot for you tell grandma dat Heinrick do dat? Der debil makes peoples tell lies, and den he ketch sie for his fire, und he vill ketch you, if you do dat some more. Gott, who you mutter telled you 'bout, will not love you. I will not love you, if you do dat some more.