United States or Cocos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Nevertheless, my dear young lady, the treasure is gone. We think that the mine was laid with the connivance of one or more officers on duty here. You see the amount at stake was so large that a share of it would tempt any nine human beings out of any ten.

We put a saddle on the old porker. Isn't that cute? It's a spandy new dollar with this year's date on it. See?" Gail turned the curious animal over, and sure enough, there was a bright, shining Goddess of Liberty, skilfully sunk in the pig's potato back. Swallowing back the lump in her throat, which threatened to choke her, Gail whispered, "Where did you get it, dear? The money, I mean."

Thayer, "and Leila Orvis can wait a long time before she makes the peace with ME! Charity's all very well, but when it comes to palming off girls like that upon your friends, it's just a little too MUCH!" "How's it happen ye didn't ask the girl for any references, me dear?" asked Mrs. Thayer. "Because Leila told me she knew all about her!" snapped Miss Saunders. "What was she, a waitress?"

"O Cousin Arthur!" he cried, but in subdued tones, "they've shut me out of mamma's room and I just don't know how to stand it any longer. Mayn't I go in, if it's only for a minute, to get one look at her dear face? I won't speak to her or touch her if you say I must not, but oh, I don't know how to endure being kept away from her altogether."

"Miss Oliver dear," interrupted Susan, desperately determined to save Gertrude from herself, if human power could do it, "you are all tired out and unstrung and no wonder, teaching those obstreperous youngsters all day and coming home to bad war news.

"Dear England!" exclaimed Emma. "Yes, dear England, my good girl; we are English, and can love our country as much now as we did when we lived in it.

'Dear me! quoth Fleetwood, and he murmured politely and cursorily, attentive to his coachman business. She had a voice that clove the noise of the wheels, and she had a desire to talk that was evident. Talk of her father set her prattling. It became clear also to his not dishonest, his impressionable mind, that her baby English might be natural.

"Very well, since you are so kind," Irene decided, and after a few more kindly remarks the beautiful Miss Lord left them and walked with graceful, swinging stride down the path to the road and down the road toward the Bigbee house. When their visitor had departed Mary Louise turned to her friend. "Now, Irene, tell me about that queer letter," she begged. "Not yet, dear.

"Oh, then, let us go there by all means," said Jasper, quickly. "I mean oh, I'm no end awkward," exclaimed Tom, breaking off, his face covered with confusion. "It's not necessary to go at once; we can fetch up there to-morrow." "Oh, do let us go, Tom," begged Polly, clasping her hands. "I should dearly love most of all to see the tenantry and those dear little cottages."

"Where's your corpse, my dear?" Julia gazed with great eyes round the little depressing place. "It really is exactly like," she said slowly. "The bed stood just there. But on it, you know, Isabella on it " She shuddered, and gripped my arm. "My teeth chatter. Come away," she said. She was generous enough to share her confectionery with me, and her forethought in bringing it was amply justified.