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"Preliminary remarks being over, I now proceed to deal. Remember, I ain't making no remarks about your deal. You done your darndest, and it was all right. But this is my deal, and it's up to me to do my darndest. In the first place, you-all know me. I'm Burning Daylight savvee? Ain't afraid of God, devil, death, nor destruction. Them's my four aces, and they sure copper your bets.

It was called "Monte Cristo," an' had the darndest set o' Dago names in it ever a mortal human bein' laid eyes on. I tried to mine it out by myself at first, but pshaw, every cuss in the book had a name like an Injun town, an' the' was about as many characters in the book as the' is on the earth; so I delegated Hammy to read her out loud.

Tom, his face changing visibly with each change in Strong's attitude, finally broke out into a grin. "Thank you, sir," said Tom, "but Astro and Roger did as much as I did." "I'm sure they did," replied Strong. "Tell them I think it was one of the the " he thought a moment and then added, "darndest, most foolish things most " "Yes, sir," said Tom, trying hard to control his face.

One of them informed him that he had seen that Lindsay fellah raound taown with the darndest big stick y' ever did see. Looked kind o' savage and wild like.

She'd seen me blunder in and out of a series of adventures and she thought that settled it, that I was a great man. After arguing with her quite some time about it, I had to give in; so I spit on my hands and sailed in to do my little darndest.

"Guess I won't need nothin' more to make me yell my very darndest," said Long Jim. "They'll be in sight in a minute or two," said Paul, "and I'm truly thankful that we have ground so favorable. We wouldn't have a chance without it." "That's so," said Henry, "and we must never lose our heads for a minute. If we do we're gone."

Come here, Archer I say, come here! there be the darndest lot of droppins here, I ever see full twenty cock, I swon!" But still the scourge continued to resound, and still the raving of the spaniel excited Tom's hot ire. "Frank Forester!" exclaimed he once again. "Do see now Harry missed them partridge, and so he licks the poor dumb brute for it.

I never knew how you came to have that money or why, and don't want to. Forgive me." "That is the first time I ever heard of that," said "mother." "I had it to buy this farm for you a Christmas present if you had waited," said I. "That is the first time I ever heard of that," said he. "And you might have been shot," said "mother," getting up close. "I tried my darndest to be.

Wherefore Bud, the man, held unswervingly to the ethical standard of Buddy the boy. If Burroback Valley was scheming to fleece a stranger at their races and rob him by force if he happened to win, then Bud felt justified in getting every dollar possible out of the lot of them. At any rate, he told himself, he would do his darndest.

"And I thought it was so romantic about him and this Leila Grey. She was so beautiful and he had been so brave in the war. And so I wondered " "Well, don't you wonder about who's coming to that dance. That dance is mine," said Johnny definitely. "I want you to look your darndest put it all over those flappers. Show them what you got," admonished Johnny with the simple directness in such vogue.