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We were promised a very popular speaker well known among us, but in his place they sent the damnedest fool who ever stood before an audience. However, we have sent to Binghamton for Daniel S. Dickinson, and he will be here in a short time and save our big mass-meeting." Mr. Dickinson came and delivered a typical speech; every sentence was a bombshell and its explosion very effective.

"But the poor other side they might just as well throw their canvas jackets and mole-skin trousers in the old suit-case at once and go home. 'Beat Yale! boys, we're crazy, but every man must try his damnedest to keep the score low, and so the game was won and lost before the referee even blew his starting whistle.

'You're a friend of hers. I 'm sure you care for her reputation; you 're an old friend of hers, and she's my wife's dearest friend; and I'm fond of her too; and I ought to be, and ought to know, and do know: pure? Strike off my fist if there's a spot on her character! And a scoundrel like that fellow Wroxeter! Damnedest rage I ever was in! Swears... down at Lockton... when she was a girl.

So Joe Screech laughed offensively at Wood as he strode into the thicket. "If you're afraid," he said, "you stay there and I'll run the bear out. Maybe you'd better climb a tree." "That's just what we both would do if we had any sense. Joe Screech, you are the damnedest fool in Tuolumne. That bear'll teach you something if he don't kill you."

It was the damnedest life for a man to lead, just pigging it and worse every day, with no order and anything a can of meat for lunch, a can of meat for dinner, and the table left slovenly like it was.

"Yeh jest oughta heard!" repeated the other, and he arranged himself to tell his tidings. The others made an excited circle. "Well, sir, th' colonel met your lieutenant right by us it was damnedest thing I ever heard an' he ses: 'Ahem! ahem! he ses. 'Mr. Hasbrouck! he ses, 'by th' way, who was that lad what carried th' flag? he ses. There, Flemin', what d' yeh think 'a that?

If I walked away from the house to get rid of them, they would follow and hoot at me; and when I reproved them they informed me they were not going "to knuckle under to old Melvyn's darter, the damnedest fool in the world, who's lost all his prawperty, and has to borry money off of pa." Did I shut myself in my room, they shoved sticks in the cracks and made grimaces at me.

"Never mind the book, but how did you come to write this?" "I I didn't notice what I wrote," she said, in confusion. "Do you mean to say that you don't know what you wrote?" "I don't know at all," she replied with evident sincerity. "It's the damnedest thing I ever heard of," he muttered. And then, with a puzzled look: "See here, I guess I've been too previous.

We'd about decided that bartendin' an' hash-slingin' wasn't gittin' us nowheres an' we was goin' to hitch up an' turn nesters on a little yak outfit I've bought over on Eagle." He stopped abruptly and looked the cowpuncher squarely in the eye. "If it wasn't fer her, by God! I'd tell you jest as I did before, to git to hell out of here an' do your damnedest.

Some times we could not sleep at all for the bites and you had to carry a brush to brush the carripats off every time you passed through bushes. It's the damnedest country I was ever in now that I have time to think of it.