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Sure you don't want me to arrange to borrow a star or two to make a ta-ra-ra for the lady that's made a monkey out of you? No? All right, old dear! I'm on my way to do my damnedest, which angels can't do no more. Nevertheless, for your sins, you shall do me a favour before my heart breaks after falling down on this contract you've just given me." "Granted, Buck. Name it."

"He sure don't look it," commented Stratton. "With that baby stare of his and " "I know," interrupted the sheriff. "That's part of his stock in trade; it's pulled many a sucker. He's got a mighty convincing way about him, believe me! He can tell the damnedest bunch of lies, looking you straight in the eyes all the time, till you'd swear everything he said was gospel.

They were on the outside of the trench as well as the inside, and then started the damnedest scrap I was ever in. Two of the boys were armed with rifle and bayonet, and I had a revolver. We shot those Fritzies just as fast as they stood up, and then they lay down and threw hand grenades at us. How we killed all those in the trench I don't know, things are hazy in my mind.

They've people working in places I wouldn't send an unshielded robot, and the hospital there is bulging with radiation-sickness cases. The equipment must have been brought here by the Space Vikings. What's left of it is the damnedest mess of goldbergery I ever saw. The whole thing ought to be shut down and completely rebuilt." Erskyll wanted to know who owned it. The Mastership, he was told.

He paused for a moment only, then in altered voice he reminded them: "Ef I don't go back, my death'll be all the answer they'll need over thar but ther guilt fer bloodshed an' what follers hit will rest on ther Doanes henceforth. We've done our damnedest." "We're wastin' time an' breath. Kill ther damn moon-calf an' eend hit," clamoured the noisy agitator with the bloodshot eyes.

When the door closed behind him Symes dropped the catch that he might read Mudge's bulky letter undisturbed. Mudge's diction was ever open to criticism, but he had a faculty for conveying his meaning which genius well might envy. The letter read: MY DEAR SYMES: Are you the damnedest fool or the biggest scoundrel out of jail? Write and let me know.

"Now, my dear, you talk the damnedest nonsense!" said Simon MacTaggart firmly. "I pushed in no way; the fool dropped into your husband's hands like a ripe plum. I have plenty of shortcomings of my own to answer for without getting the blame of others." "Don't lie like that, Sim, dear," said Mrs. Petullo, decidedly. "My memory is not gone yet, though you seem to think me getting old. Oh yes!

"And meanwhile," said Neil, "Arbor Croche's men " "Will be as dead as herring floaters if they show up!" he cried, leaping two feet off the ground in his enthusiasm. "I've got twelve of the damnedest fighters aboard my ship that ever lived and ten of them will be in the edge of the woods!" Neil's eyes were shining with something that made Nathaniel turn his own to the loading of his pipe.

And they say " He twisted his mouth and changed his voice to a childish whine. "What for?" The voice reverted to normal. "They don't ask for any reason. They just ask. I say to them, I say, 'God damn it' excuse me, sir 'I told you to do it, ain't that enough? Well, this Schuster, sir, he worried all the time. He got so he cut himself shaving. Damnedest thing.

But HE at least could be more definite. "I'm going to take you right down to London." "Oh I've been down to London!" Waymarsh more softly moaned. "I've no use, Strether, for anything down there." "Well," said Strether, good-humouredly, "I guess you've some use for me." "So I've got to go?" "Oh you've got to go further yet." "Well," Waymarsh sighed, "do your damnedest!