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In this time she had worked in an artificial flower factory, earning from $2 to $2.25 a week; then as a cutter in a box factory, where she had $3 a week at first, and then $5, for ten hours' work a day. She left this place because the employer was very lax about payment, and sometimes cheated her out of small amounts.

The `Fox' cutter, crowded with men, was sunk by the heavy shot which struck her, and nearly a hundred of those on board perished. I was in the `Terpsichore's' barge with my brave captain, when, just before she reached the mole, a shot struck her, and down she went, drowning seven of my shipmates; but the captain, with the rest of us, managed to get on shore.

Colonel Halkett stared at Beauchamp as if he had risen from the deep. 'Have you been in that town this morning? was one of his first questions to him when he stood on board. 'I came through it, said Beauchamp, and pointed to his little cutter labouring in the distance.

I heard Captain Hankey say to our first lieutenant, both of them coming in the cutter to inspect the steamer. "Those Somali Arabs have been here, Gresham." "Not a doubt of it, sir," replied Mr Gresham. "Those beggars are the biggest thieves, I believe, in the world; and murderous rascals, too.

At last, as I wanted to show my cutter to Ned, my sister, and the rest, I told old Roger that I should like to carry it home. To this he raised no objection. "You'll find her rather a heavy load, Master Dick," he said. "However, you can rest on your way. I advise you to stow the sails first, so that if you meet a breeze they will not press against you."

"I can't talk to you now I can't talk to you now," the poor lad groaned more than spoke, as we stood there close to where the waves came running in. The lugger had a good many men on board as she lay out there, quite three hundred yards away, though it had seemed only one from high up in the Gap, and the cutter was quite half a mile from where we stood, and more to the east.

There was a whistling of a boatswain's pipe, an order or two, and then a large cutter pulled out from the man-of-war's stern, and in half a dozen strokes was alongside. The mate leaped into her, and they pulled rapidly ashore. Another cutter, carrying an armed crew, soon followed.

General Rolleston touched his cap, and, with the Round Robin in his hand, addressed them thus: "My men, I thank you for taking my trouble to heart as you do. But it would be a bad return to send any of you to Easter Island in that cutter; for she is not seaworthy, so the captain tells me. I will not consent to throw away your lives in trying to save a life that is dear to me.

Finding this place most desolate, we left it, and the cutter was got under weigh the next morning, Saturday, for Auron, a small town not many leagues farther up the Sogne Fiord, and receiving from both our pilots the reputation of greater liveliness and importance. Early the following morning we came within sight of Auron, and went ashore before the anchor was dropped.

Gathering way in a minute or two as we eased off the sheet of the lug, the cutter went ahead at a great pace, making much better weather of it running before the wind, as was the case now, than she had lately, before we came about, when beating up to Bagamoyo; skimming over the broken surface of the sea, her bows and the deadwood of her keel forwards being clean out of the water sometimes as she jumped from wave to wave, and sending the spray she threw up as she came down bash on the top of some billow, right inboard, wetting us to the skin, and leaving a wake behind her like a millrace.