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When he saw that Racey, after allowing Cuter to drink nearly all he wanted, rode on across the creek and up the farther bank, Swing's brow became corrugated with a puzzled frown. "He means business," muttered Swing. "I ain't seen that look on his face for some time. I wonder what did happen this morning."

"The Crummies announcer is cuter," Barby explained patiently. The boys grinned and fell silent as the cereal salesman went into his spiel. Barby perched on the edge of a chair and listened attentively. Rick watched his sister's expressive face, chuckling to himself. Barby always listened to the commercials. It was only fair, she insisted, and the boys went along with her wishes.

It was a glimpse that shocked him out of his youthful self-pity and stood him face to face with a very real hurt. They were climbing in plain sight, and so close to him that he could hear Hank's drawling voice telling Marion that she was a cute one, all right; he'd have to hand it to her for being a whole lot cuter than he had sized her up to be. Uncouth praise it was, bald, insincere, boorish.

"Now I know what's going on here at this table," he growled savagely, "and I want you two to cut it out. Like most of the other damned fools that come up here and waste their money and my time, he thinks I'm playing some cute game with him tag or something that will let him show how much cuter he is than I am. And he's supposed to be a writer and have a little horse-sense!

And try to toddle to bed without telling me of which cute character in Dickens I remind you, because I am cuter than any of them, and if I stay in this tight frock another second I can't answer for the consequences. Oui, Josephine, entrez! Good-night, dear aunt. Happy dreams!"

The traitor most likely intended to deceive me, but as I was myself determined to deceive him it remained to be seen which was the a cuter. I had planned an attack against which it was improbable that he could defend himself.

Jake turned somersets, and said he warnt 'fraid ob dem Yankees; he know'd which side his brad was buttered on. Dat Jake is a cuter. When he goes down ter git de letters he cuts up all kines ob shines and capers. An' to look at him skylarking dere while de folks is waitin' for dere letters, an' talkin' bout de war, yer wouldn't think dat boy had a thimbleful of sense.

His mien was resolute. Altogether, a quainter or 'cuter little man it has never yet been my lot to set eyes on. He walked in with a brisk step, eyed Charles up and down, and then, without much formality, asked for what he was wanted. "This is Sir Charles Vandrift, the great diamond king," Marvillier said, introducing us. "So I see," the man answered. "Then you know me?" Charles asked.