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The Judge and the Eminent Person hitched along to make room between them. "I'm not playing to-night," Steve began. He was cut short by a torrent of scoffing advice and information. "Only one hundred to come in all you got to get out." "Another victim!" "Bet 'em high and sleep in the streets!" Cuter goes for aces and flushes." "Just give us what you can spare handy and go to bed.

One man, who was gesticulating largely with his somewhat grimy hands, uttered these words while she slid and sidled through the unyielding group about him, almost like one trying to avoid a blow "Generous! Who says he's generous? Don't you fool yourselves. We'll have to pay for it somehow, you mark my words. Young Early's like his father, only 'cuter.

But, you see, cute as the waiver was, the king was cuter still; for these high quolity, you see, is great desaivers; and so the horse the waiver was put an was larned on purpose; and sure, the minit he was mounted, away powdhered the horse, and the divil a toe he'd go but right down to Galway.

The traitor most likely intended to deceive me, but as I was myself determined to deceive him it remained to be seen which was the a cuter. I had planned an attack against which it was improbable that he could defend himself.

I knowed it made folks patienter an' commonsenser an' weather-wiser an' cuter gen'ally; gin 'em more fac'lty than all the school larnin' in creation. I knowed it was more fillin' than vittles, more rousin' than whisky, more soothin' than lodlum. I knowed it cooled ye off when ye was het, an' het ye when ye was cold. I knowed all that, o' course any fool knows it. But will ye b'l'eve it?

I put the ends of my fingers first in the little crack to make sure the little bag wouldn't drop to the floor, and then dived into my pocket and And there behind me, stealthily coming up the last turn of the stairs was Mr. George Moriway! Don't you hate a soft-walking man, Mag? That cute fellow was cuter than the old Major himself, and had followed me every inch of the way.

After we got clear, I lectured him on women in general and squaws in particular, and he promised to behave. Then we had a hot time with the Little Salmons. He was cuter this time, and I didn't know for keeps, but I guessed. He said it was the medicine man who got horstile; but nothing'll stir up a medicine man quicker'n women, and the facts pointed that way.

But in anything except straights and straight flushes if there is any such thing as a straight flush the cuter card counts as an ace. Got that?" "Yes; I think I can remember that." "All right! You watch us play a while, then, till you get on to our methods of betting they're different from yours too. When you think you're wise, you can take a hand if you want to."

At length, he drew his hat slouchingly over one side of his head, folded his arms across his chest, and squirting a torrent of tobacco juice from his capacious jaws, exclaimed in his drawling voice: "I guess, Mister Officer, as how you're mighty cute upon a fallen man but tarnation seize me, if I don't expect you'll find some one cuter still afore long.

A snake won't do, Sandy." "How will a monkey do?" "A monkey might answer, if he was a little cuter than common. But we can't get one handy." "Try a band of music." "That would soon wear out; and then we should have to get up something else, and the people would suspect us of trying to gull them." "Then what is to be done, Mr. Graves? We can never stand it at this rate." "I'm sure I don't know."