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Carlyle, with asperity, "and, strictly as one dear friend to another, Max, permit me to add, that while cherishing an unbounded admiration for your remarkable gifts, I have the strongest suspicion that the whole incident is a ridiculous mare's nest, bred in the fantastic imagination of an enthusiastic criminologist." Mr. Carrados received this outburst with the utmost benignity.

All of Warren's men were close-mouthed, as though through some biting fear of swift and unerring vengeance for "squealing." Even the prisoners in the station-house had not volunteered to communicate with friends, as they were allowed to do by law. They were "standing pat," as the old detective declared in disgust. "That proves one thing," remarked the criminologist.

The Captain, however, drew Laura's arm through his as they reached the stairs, and Harris, with a little shrug of the shoulders, made his way to Quest's stateroom. The Doctor, the Professor, Quest and Lenora were all gathered around two little tubes, which the criminologist was examining with an electric torch. "No reaction at all," the latter muttered. "This isn't an ordinary poison, any way."

He returned to the library, where he lost himself in the rare old volumes of Grimsby's life collection: the criminologist was a booklover and the hours drifted by as in a happy playtime, until the butler came to tell him the time. "Great Scott! I must hurry. Call a taxi, for me. I will go to Holloway's office to learn where Miss Marigold has been ensconced."

But if the impulse has irresistible character in such a way that the good will is powerless, we are again in the field of disease and the point of view of the physician has to be substituted for that of the criminologist. Whether pedagogy and criminology are to make use of the services of psychotherapy is thus certainly an open question.

"Give me Miss Marigold's apartment, please." Helene's voice was soon on the wire. Shirley asked for Warren in a gruff tone. "What do you want?" was that gentleman's musical inquiry, in the tones which were already so familiar to the criminologist. "Chief, dis is de Rat. I wants to meet you down at de Blue Goose on Water Street in half an hour. Kin you'se come? It's important."

"A little invention of my own for measuring foot-prints," Quest explained. "Not much use here, I am afraid." "What do you think of the affair so far, Mr. Quest?" the Professor asked eagerly. The criminologist shook his head. "Incomprehensible," he confessed. "Can you think, by-the-bye, of any other motive for the theft besides scientific jealousy?"

"Quest," he said, "I'll have to ask you a question." "Why not?" Quest replied, looking quickly up. "Where were you at eleven-fifteen?" "On tower Number 10 of the New York Central, scrapping for my life," Quest answered grimly. "I've reason to remember it." Something in the Inspector's steady gaze seemed to inspire the criminologist suddenly with a new idea.

And was not his attitude of having already solved the problem of the murder, his treatment of the Chief as a dilettante criminologist simply an elaborate pose, to extract from the Chief information which had not been proffered? The Chief glanced at his watch. "Right," he said, "I think I'd like to go along." "I have a good deal to do here still," observed Mr.

But they all came from one throat, and my work is completed along this line Will you please lock up the films, the phonograph, and my records in your film vault, until I send for them; through Mr. Holloway?" The criminologist arose and walked into the deserted studio, from whence the company had long since departed for belated slumbers.