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An excited whisper was heard from every corner, and many were the half-audible comments that were broken off by the imperative fall of the crier's gavel. So tense had been the strain that it was some time before complete order could be restored. When it was again quiet Maitland continued: "Your Honour and Gentlemen of the Jury: We will rest our case here for to-day.

He stood alone his father and the others were reserved for another trial; and as, richly arrayed, he stood opposite to the jury, gazing fixedly first at one, then at the other, as though challenging their right to sit in judgment on him, one eye after another fell beneath his gaze. 'Walter Stewart of Albany, Earl of Fife, proclaimed the crier's voice.

She has not faltered since that bugle note sent her flying; like an arrow still she is speeding toward the goal. Cheer after cheer rises in the air. Peter is silent, but his eyes shine like stars. "Huzza! Huzza!" The crier's voice is heard again. "Hilda van Gleck, one mile!"

When the sacred basket of Ceres had met him, he had bent his eyes downward, deeming himself unworthy of the sight. And now, as the crier's invitation rang from the portico, "All ye who are guiltless in thought and deed, come to the sacrifice!" Heraklas trembled. Swiftly he hurried away and passed down the broad street that led to the Gate of the Moon on the south of Alexandria.

Mass is over, the whole parish, aye and crowds from far and near behind, surge all over the square, where the Church looks down upon them in serenity and silence. When Chrysler came up, the Cure and his vicar were sitting on their gallery, and a man of strong frame stood upon the crier's rostrum looking round with the assertive consciousness that he was a recognized figure.

Tomlinson, covering Mr. Budd's retreat, 'you know you like to wear the crier's coat, green o' one side and red o' the other. You've been to hear Tryan preach at Paddiford Common you know you have. 'To be sure I have; and a capital sermon too. It's a pity you were not there. It was addressed to those "void of understanding." 'No, no, you'll never catch me there, returned Mr.

If, having gone the entire distance, the man-killer gains the centre tepee still sitting on the pony's back, his life is spared and pardon given. But should he fall, then he himself has chosen death. "The crier's words now cease. A lull holds the village breathless. Then hurrying feet tear along, swish, swish, through the tall grass. Sobbing women hasten toward the trialway.

On the third day at sunrise, the Sioux crier's voice resounded in the valley of the Powder, announcing that the lodges must be razed and the villagers must take up their march. Breakfast of jerked buffalo meat had been served and the women were adjusting their packs, not without much chatter and apparent confusion. This made it necessary to shift the packs of the others.

A deputy with a seating diagram came up to them. "Mr. Brannhard, you and Mr. Holloway over here, at this table." He pointed to one a little apart from the others, at the extreme right facing the bench. "And Dr. van Riebeek, and Dr. Rainsford over here, please." The court crier's loud-speaker, overhead, gave two sharp whistles and began: "Now hear this! Now hear this!

"Come along," cried Miss Alma, taking the rag and bone man by the arm. "We two are going to see life!" "Hundred er kisses, Alma! don't forget," called the Bandmaster after them. His voice sounded like a market crier's. "All right," answered Miss Alma, with a laugh. "What's that he says?" asked Lars Peter wonderingly. "Don't you bother your head about that fool," she answered, and drew him along.