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"I'm glad you didn't say 'Dear Mr. Brander. In that case you'd have given him away. But 'Christopher' is such an unusual name, they might Sherlock Holmes could trace him by it alone." "You are a Job's comforter a perfect Eliphaz the Temanite! Oh, oh!" Her soft crescendo was again tragic. "In effect you said: 'Dear Christopher, as you have so often entreated, I have at last decided to be thine.

She had no excuse to offer: her girlish dreams were sacred to her; they came gliding to her through the most intricate passages of the sonata, now with a staccato movement, brisk, lively, with fitful energy, now andante, then crescendo, con passione. Jill's unformed girlish hands strike the chords wildly, angrily. 'Dolce, dolce, screams the professor in her ears.

The ground began to grow softer, and now I was treading upon ooze and mud instead of rock. The murmur increased in a sonorous crescendo until the full cadence of the mighty waterfall burst on my ears. A fiery ball seemed to fill the exit. The red sun, barred with bands of coal-black cloud, was dipping into the farther verge of the lake. The thunder of the cataracts filled my ears.

And at this question she paused, as before a great portal that was shut. She went back. She thought again of this beautiful crescendo, of this gradual approach to the God from whom she had been if not entirely separated at any rate set a little apart. Could it have been only in order that her catastrophe might be the more complete, her downfall the more absolute?

The Pilgrims approached crescendo; drew near forte; passed fortissimo; marched away diminuendo; were almost lost in the distance piano pianissimo. Uplifted bows and silence. "Good!" said a hearty voice behind them. Everybody looked up, smiling even the second violin. His children always smiled when Mr. Roderick Birch came in.

A crescendo or musical climax works gradually up step by step, and bar by bar, until it explodes in a perfect crash of vocal and instrumental tempest. The extraordinary choral effects produced in the performance of the Huguenots almost bewildered the hearers; and the wondrous lights and shades of sound given in many of the oratorios, are little behind the dramatic achievement.

His excellent method, recalling that of Crescentini and Veluti, seemed to desert him completely. A sostenuto in the wrong place, an embellishment carried to excess, spoilt the effect; or again a loud climax with no due crescendo, an outburst of sound like water tumbling through a suddenly opened sluice, showed complete and wilful neglect of the laws of good taste.

Do you know the scent of the blackberry? Almost all the year round it is a treasure-house of odours, even when the leaves first come out; but it reaches crescendo in blossom time when, indeed, I like it least, for being too strong. It has a curious fragrance, once well called by a poet "the hot scent of the brier," and aromatically hot it is and sharp like the briers themselves.

She caught his arm in a grip of iron and drew close to him so that her hot, quickly drawn breath fanned his cheek. "Help me?" she whispered. "Who can help me? Don't you know that I am dead?" Travers shuddered; he tried to free himself from the clutch of the white, bloodless hand, but she clung to him desperately, despairingly, while her voice rose in an agonized crescendo.

These emotions, as has often been shown, are absolutely general and indefinite in their character, and are, on the whole, even in their intensity, no measure of the beauty of the music which arouses them. Indeed, we can get intense emotion from sound which is entirely unmusical. So, too, loudness, softness, crescendo, diminuendo, volume, piercingness, have their emotional accompaniments.