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The titles of her cinquains, such as "November night", "The guarded wound", "The warning", "Fate defied", and the final touch of inevitability in "The Lonely Death", so full of the intensity of last moments, intimate the resolute presence of the grey companion of the covering mists. It must be said hurriedly that Adelaide Crapsey was not all doom. By no means.

"No time at all for the delay: about three weeks, maybe, for the actual changing of the gauge," said Ford coolly. "All right," laughed Frisbie. "Only you'll show us how. It doesn't lie in the back of my head or in Crapsey's, unless he's a better man than I hired him for." "Who is Crapsey?" "He is a Purdue man that I picked up and started out on the branch to make figures on the change of gauge.

REV. DR. CRAPSEY: "We can follow Jesus' history from the time that he entered upon his public career until the time that career closed, just as easily as we can follow Caesar, etc." ANSWER: How long was "the time from the opening of Jesus' public career until the time that it closed?" One year! according to the three gospels.

Such a little book of Adelaide Crapsey, surely like cameos cut on shell, so clear in outline, so rich in form, so brave in indications, so much of singing, so much of poetry, of courage. "Just now, Out of the strange Still dusk as strange, as still, A white moth flew; Why am I grown So cold?" Isn't the evidence sufficient here of first rate poetic gifts, sensibility of an exceptional order?

Horace, are you going to see this grand scheme fall through for lack of just a single name? Your sig would look mighty good to the rest of us at the end of that list." Then he ended with an air of assumed dignity, "Horace, your country calls you; will it call in vain?" Horace Herkimer Crapsey was the boy who had been spoken of as a dainty dude, who hated to soil his white hands.

"There's yourself to begin with," remarked Josh, counting with his fingers; "Felix, Walter Douglass, George here, Billy Button, Horace Crapsey, Carl and myself, making the eight we need for a patrol." "I'm glad you're all anxious to join," said Tom, glancing from one eager face to the other, as they walked slowly down the street in a group.

It is to be regretted that Adelaide Crapsey had no more time for the miniature microscopic equations, the little thing seen large, the large thing seen vividly. She might have spent more hours with them and less with her so persistent guest, this second self at her side; ironic presence, when she most would have strode with the brighter companion, her first and natural choice.

The wholesale dealer saw the value of honesty as a business asset, long before the retailer made the same unique discovery. Doctor Algernon S. Crapsey says that truth is a brand-new virtue, and the clergy are not quite sure about it yet. To hold his trade the jobber found he had to be on the dead level: he had to consider himself the attorney for his client. Peabody was a merchant by instinct.

One by one they are cast out of the Church Father McGlynn, George D. Herron, Alexander Irvine, J. Stitt Wilson, Austin Adams, Algernon Crapsey, Bouck White; but their voices are not silenced they are like the leaven, to which Jesus compared the kingdom of God a woman took it and hid it in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened.

Adelaide Crapsey shows that she was a real singer, essentially poet, excellent among those of our time. She impresses her uncommon qualities upon you, in the cinquains of hers, with genuinely incisive force. She has so much of definiteness, so much of technical beauty, economy, all very valuable assets for a true poet. She had never been touched with the mania for journalistic profusion.